Lynn StronginTHE BLUES DELIVER For Anna Akhmatova and Osip Mandelstam An all-nighter during war. . .while Louis Armstrong plays THAT OLD TRAIN keeps rolling down the track. The radio delivered news from the front while the blues delivered. . . Kansas City, Muskogee: My past, my last life X’d out. Hidden child. Hungry. Tired. Hello, Springfield. Casey Jones was a marvel man But now he’s in the promised land. In biker’s jacket, meeting a member of a holy family When I was a child rocked by sorrows in the south Even then, I drew a fiery line between freedom & oppression. This paralysis: only my lover knows what its done to me: Hidden child, lover: only the deep down blues deliver. WHEN I WAS a child bent over newsprint by lamplight during war The ripples war makes in bone The baby in a laundry basket breathing milk bubbles Corrugating it Like anvil sheet metal. And you so close to me in the next room. You girl curled up like a pearl. Newspapers making a tent between my parents, at two a.m. table before he trains back to head- quarters. Blues play, they deliver. Smoking wainscotting-brown the air became between Coffee, an all nighter they pulled they know what rings each other’s bells. They clash. But after all, they were in their twenties Now survivors of an extinct war, I turn pages with dry eyes in doll’s war museum. IN MY SMALL war-museum, my bed Crutches in closet Wheelchair folded Recalling rattan of childhood Still undamaged Skin like peach fuzz, bruiseless flight to ground, feather-weight Now you know what paralysis is; Water where nothing blue gives Forth wake Pain where sensation proves Life, desire for freedom where no rope gives, to rush, to leap whereas in the grave no muscle moves. WHY BE NOSTALGIC for the south When it’s where sorrow plays With light like a boy’s thru a girl’s hair? My exhausted beloved, taking care of me. What mournful Ukrainian tune Could express this: here comes a breathless voice, dig a tunnel to Poland. Imagine running a small shop near a fuel storage area, Chernobyl. Rucked up sweaters straightened. I ran back for Mrs Muffin-face as a child for comfort. My sweet spot. Moods that do not lift: My southern half, no, less than half riffs On paralysis: the fog of it dispersing: the way rope-beaten I am still rising. A TREAT to have a breather, an episode free from pain: It’s back A blue cloud crying DOLL At sixes and sevens With heaven Leaven Bread out of baker’s oven. The shape of water changes While fragile peace is talked about, comes Near, like blue-gray sea. Lace collar You first came into focus for me, a color on my body, of lilac sea. THE TRAIN SLID down a mountainside Transportation safety board Found it was due to degraded braking performance. Transparent. Thirteen-year-old died. My fear is up permanently Antennae When there is nothing left in your background to save you from this sorrow Complicated redemptive art; The older we get the more tenderness we have The train sliding down, transplanted child, dark thistle grove Transparent love. MY EXHAUSTED beloved, Carry on Because blues deliver, courage comes Cities, daughters, dreams, immigration The news has stopped my heart once more: Propaganda goes those organs of fallen soldiers are being harvested. “Your mother has a certain expression—one of longsuffering” A helper said of our mother. Every move toward kindness camouflaged: I frame Night-after-night, day-after-day, in our Bohemian, little Soho In age, having landed, no longer an alien we push thru, our needs less transparent, trying to get over: blue. Framing survival with love. YOU ARE AN AMBER member While there is an exchange of prisoners Many women In besieged Ukraine War blunts every nerve & Neuron. Throw out the old tea, raspberry birthmark in twilit dark We live on Nourished by bread Water, the memory of a daughter. Don’t ask me what’s going on in the blue hills younder: Will we ever reach younger, amber member, while across the ocean there are starved prisoners? Bootcamp, hospital 1951 THE UNIMAGINABLE becomes the unforgettable The moment deserves to be understood A volunteer teachers organizes childrens’ games underground: for five weeks They have lived this way. Wrenching, revelatory Cerulean melancholy. * This wasn’t intended as exile The horse with star-splash in his forehead Stood next to blaze; I remember that box of water; the 12-year-old living in it, Barefoot in boot camp. Hospital-gown, no hoodie; trenched, no blood. “This includes a soul, the silky part . . .” Mary Oliver REACH DOWN to the silky part of the soul. There is a that sweet spot. Filling the hands with mist. The city in my head is very sad. The pear’s “Luster of survival” Watching a bird fly off. Silence is broken in half. Sunset last night looked like forever, transistioning These structures upon sky See from end of the suite on the other angle? Who is on the other Side? It would be holy to have release.. Unanswered. All men will be sailors: one small woman standing against the sand. My beloved going thru patches where I go with her hand-in-hand. Beyond. WILL YOU EVER LOVE ME as you did before? I am a cracked Vietnamese pitcher With almond eyes Will we re-take steps to ardor? Born on a rice farm outside Saigon The gift to be simple, like water ran thru my outstretched palms. Threading fingers. The box of water that was my twelfth summer Glimmered: the silk of the soul Your voice gentle as wind chimes. Never whines. Will you be by evening in the emergency room? Will you ever love me as you did before, again? AM I A NIGHT Gardener who has ceased to understand world? I reach for the silken part of the world An olden child From nine years on. Buckeye muse. Particular voices. I pull away from the wounded area Retreating, curled up. Crystallize delicate ground This love defines us Angelus. Ice in April The fearing gaze of a sick child. Vindiction of love. I do not understand this world.previous page contents next page
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