Tony Kitt

Umbilical Dreams

Casino Palace greets you by taking off its roof. The windows are playing cards, each one a sun's son in conversation with his lower half. Come in and bring your life with you.
                You’ve come from across the globe’s earlobe, with your head full of monuments and sexual heresy. Your veins breathe a posteriori; small change plays its pocket tune. Leafy clouds of indifference pretend to be the sky.
                There are some gaping meanings, through which pullulators invade, right by your side. “You want a model of excellence? You were born one. Just go back to the entrance point, we’ll take it from there.”
                Thalatta! Thalatta! Where is your gentle breeze?

The Banks of Wait

A sudden river, a hill of no return... The clarity droplets ring the belligerence of nature. The eyes of mimosa trees through the eyes of the water... Look at the universe dog blocking the path of the day! It isn't a dog for its bark or latitude; it’s just an acceptance dog.
                The sky of yellow is half-open; the tablets of knowledge await bright microscopic eyes. Whenever the sky takes a nap, buried houses whisper history dust. Awakened trees leap out of their nests, crack the eggshell of possibility, and run along the torn seams of their curriculum screaming freedom.

A Not-Very-Long Poem about Trust

Man can kill the truth with the shadow of his little finger. Here comes the disinformation convoy. The wingsome one who has hijacked a few heavens calls it a great anti-angel revolution. Welcome, a triple-core demon; farewell, a double-glazed seraph. “You too” tweets a hellish hello to a meandering “me.”
                Over-the-clouds eyes can see your shape-shifting past. Men with no kindness in deception. Everything that’s been eaten: the soul, the ground, the reason. The white blues of the walls. The future arrives sandstoned, with a few bricks missing.

Tony Kitt lives in Dublin, Ireland. He has worked as a researcher and a journalist. His chapbook entitled The Magic Phlute has been published by SurVision Books in 2019. His collection entitled Endurable Infinity is due from Pittsburgh University Press, USA (in the Pitt series) later in 2022. His other collection, Sky Sailing, is forthcoming from Salmon Poetry in Ireland. He edited the anthology entitled Invasion: Ukrainian Poems about the War (SurVision Books, 2022).
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