Olchar E. Lindsann

        Lunar Storm
‟e meldit xd the quantis mor”
– e.i. alexander, from Semina, No. 1

‟e moon’s malwar”
– Anne Gorrick, from Otoliths, No. 54.

e werewonce moon-melder,
quicksilver melchoir, y
e hover quantum hummingbird or
drizz of malachite; yr maggot-ray

e blazon wove of phoenix canker,
quell yr maker, musk of warm tobacco army
e, womb of masks, skin preened sulphur
drags our harbour weary ebb away

e wight ahasuerus, marked retort, her
quake of menace X wracked; car
e for manifold, said squirrelish spor
e: war of moon & salamander star

Lapping Let,trial
“ jecting))))))))))))     ((((((to ”
       – Crouse & Topel, OH an essay.
                *   *   *
“ ndemner à espérer toujo ”
       – Baudelaire, Spleen de Paris

carcely), y et she said
heartlie anon “whith
er, lead ((its condition
ally))) pon stringing ““ôh
élas! quel le ((((megatro
n épas not re: roi””” s
nail of gas (((((trop chaud
pod I at “”””wrist lac
downie rup)))))) t’ure
earlie forgot: “”””” ‘s
hell d’ivoire (((((((cut
meldo “”””””lorion tous
le))))))) chokespit rainbow tub.

           Pent in Grass
‟ut utopia, the real is dead, for its
  immobility conde”
       – Alain Joubert, from Sakolsky,
Dreams of Anarchy & the Anarchy of Dreams.
                       ?  ?  ?
‟wards proprioceptive gnosis, mus-
  cles of light shards/pier”
       – Jim Leftwich, rascible & kempt, Vol. 2.

       mirror   ut ut   lither
       s naeck-fruit at  taining,
              deathread yond ô
gates o ’letterlattice-rose
s shift  ut  up right  ut  slithe
       alphaeden o ’voleurs
              shilftie bet, a
                     djust A
              zathoth zipped à
c’ut c,loth clinamen ut,her
pen-wyvern   sin new   ser,if
Sophia     engrassed   in scale
       my theme     sus’pendant
successerus in hover ut
ut adown à ne-u-place-e’er
hidimmobîsle, euridicised
       ay well-eu-placèd
       of flickenfork tongued
       ut phonalising sun-ut
mornwheather priop basking
       pon eht b’lacking-top
              o ’nerves ô ’day.

               Asphalt Camouflage

leetletop bleetlepote tlepopteb leeebletpotto bleet
klattle beepotctlo poeetle bletleb topelteeb kceetl
tlebeeptopp eelebtleboppt akctlpo bleactklepop k
elbtopbe pobbleetleb tlopbblee tlepbeleet toppobt
eepletobee tleppeeb kcalbtopbe etlepote ettlebpot
la eel teplopbbl apeetoleet aclott ob tlop elteeb ec
blee topalbeepo kctpo blacktop-beetle tbloo talcb
blaa potle beealp tteebtppo bektpoo tleeb lee ttlek
potleet eetlbakctel blttapeetlbel bllpotkcalb teelbe
blettabop tleebeltop bleetlpot bottlepoptle leepleb
lettleb plopbettr kcalbeeltle rebbleeko pottleb opt
etplobbe toppeelbo tlebbotpplee tleebotle ptobbo
tlebbee lttlebott eetlebpotte etopblact eetletobakc
tlopplebet eetlopleot teepletop blettlepot backlke

              Windsy Twggs
      “und of kisses: hpvz! Hpvz! Alt”
– Carlemyl (Cros+Goudeau), “Mineral Waters”

                 “ypsspy srping”
– Mike Busam, Twrchwrngs

twggs I slrpu like un slug;
r va pour’s rubebin gin gat guttin,
grgles clés dheavein katsup, darug
kcissy-ksicsy pvcap slock muttin.

       curvicule as cistene mandibles

horvey vio’lents viz hippo –
vapidn’ dromey, pivieye svap id:
vipsvery ov carbuncular spurrip toe
prvingo skisp’il y a bit png-png lid.

       fortitude of rayon federage

vispadvsior sires hveay alt viepeer...
slaetherg as sap(plaes treey à vrai tlauk)
vlittles sczziey slvs velcro, svelte op viziere
ipssing in windsy wall’s kleering aowls tallk.

                              coFusion n,o’ Tounges
   ‟ot wear the cloak of language of contention, one might show you much mor”
                                               – Jacob Boehme, Mysterium Magnum.

BABEL -fusion polis\ (con),(col) à glottal -lapse
(lan-) flame manteau/en guage wrappd BABEL ,crackle fisht
call specular (con) fo\udre spectacular, -ought BABEL sin (c) -tension
secreted BABEL ,reve\l -vore in (carni) coeur of -val (f) -ire
sky egg panting BABE\L (ex) fou -pyred, godhead -plosive feu
(de) crev- (ice) -clensio/n s p oken ,rotic BABEL e pullver-
BAB EL ,tulmbng i ns \-solution moke (dis tent masse )-missal
pow er re) let amèr, i ba\bble cain (trans B d ABEL -lation ter
rub (le tungoe b urn of B\AB s) lauhgter’s blazon -ash L,E cr
:g) -hosts -row spect s m/orte -peak, -re wit(ithinth aenarchic BlABbbEL.

   ‟all still caught in BABEL, and you are quarrelers over the spirit of the letters”
                                                                                              – Ibid.

‟py,  the chora precedes and underlies figu
  ration and is analogous only to vocal or k
  inetic rhythm”
– Kristeva, Revolution in Poetic Language

kála,mity ch’ord! ô ch’em kâli    cardinal
KékkeBék! Ô ékkékké Kóaxk!
Be’ckon ékek ô kin! óak wre’cks   coeur
Kébéckekek ôax! Ó kékkéBóakx!
Khlébébéb n’kh,óv! ô ch,lore ovk   crumb
BékékkeKó! Ô Kóabéckekekax!
c,ra’ck ó’báck! ô éke chéam, iliÓn   ciel
Kóbébékékké akx! ékké Bóakaxk!

‟gods!  Brékkek Kékkek Kékkek Kékkek!
  Kóax Kóax Kóax!
– Joyce, Finnigan’s Wake

                         – Kenneth Patchen,
                          The Journal of Albion Moonlight

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