Keith Nunes Get out Joe-Joe Taunt Taunt Taunt He’s taunting them, He loves the word taunt, it has a macho yet poetic tone, He’s in the middle of the room encircled by people in chairs, on couches, An invited iconoclastic icon in his waning days Pogo-stick jumping Howling, yelling at the glut of gifted, They’re shocked, jolted from their smugness, their ignorance Of what life is as reality, not twitchy TV reality but end-game reality, He’s getting louder, ‘You’re all part of the GREAT FAIL!’ taunt-taunt-taunt By the beat, boom-boom-boom ‘You’re all going to FUCKING DIE!’ One of the young men stands and pushes Joe-Joe Futt off his beat, Down on the lush carpet looking up at the group looking down at him, A circle of jerks, he thinks, they’re chanting, ‘Get out! Get out! Get out!’ He pushes through their legs, scurrying on all fours toward the front door, They’re chanting ‘Rat! Rat! Rat!’ He’s at the door, stands like a proud bi-ped, grey beard lit by a flood of chandelier light, ‘Don’t try! You’re gonna die!’ Message sent He slams the door on them, shuts down something, shuts it out, Whatever it is, whatever it’s been he’s closed it off, closed it down, He bangs on each expensive car setting off alarms as he runs for the gates down a tree-lined driveway, Toward the infinitely jesting sea Fanfare Straight backed seat under Tree on a lean, A park in the dark A path to an end, A sign that says what a sign must say, A bag and a bin in the likely event, Grass-and-a-half awaits trimmer with the strimmer, Dog and a ball A race for the space, Walkers talkers joggers in a trance, A shoe in the bush a can in the hand,Keith Nunes is currently house-sitting in Manly, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand.A chorus of leaves orchestrating a fanfare for the most uncommon of autumns Fake ‘n’ Take Be-bop brutal in the banged-up bedroom Weight from height dumped on concaving chest In the course of the flow of the river to the road to the bittersweet end Teeth-gnash vow to fake ‘n’ take whatever it takes to be weightless again Tracking a line of thought He lost his sense of alignment somewhere between The using and the abusing, On train tracks in old grey boots He goes looking for the Freak he longs to be, Long lines of intense thought A line running up the coast and over sharply divided mountains, Dividing his life into segments He’s forced to face the pear shape of it, A fruit cocktail of leery reasoning and outright randomness, And then he finds his boots are not made for this sort of walking, Barefoot under a simmering summer sun He takes steps to keep ahead of the troubling thoughts, One sleeper after another, Focussed on a speeding train entering the tunnel
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