Nils HM Geylen
Sic State Apparatus, Sic Urbe Relicta
IMPORTANT: citizens [ citoyen-ne-s ]
tip-offs on foreign agents or breaches of security are
now eligible for spiritual rewards and certificates of
appreciation—or material rewards of cash up to
100,000 yuan ( exercise restraint )
blowing [ on souffle ] through concrete :
deep deep envy
reclock & turn transit demise, i—
[ on a peur ]
thus ( potential rise )
gnawing [ chien mordant ] at ribs :
tender tender wound
reverse & suspend exit spite, u—
[ on lâche prise ]
thus ( capital flight )
SCREAMS [ LES CRIS ! ]—if it won't burn
it'll wear off in your dead dead bed
like father like son like
labor exclusion
inbred the federation machine
exhale a Reich—[ L'EMPIRE COMME LE PÈRE ]
a corruption / lamentation
the Heidelberger corps
vas-y / gloria Evropa
[ FIN ]
a crisis however hard it tries
will always be soft
does the crisis make you shiver ?
does it ?
the slowdown is not tough !
the slowdown is exceptionally fond—( are you upset
by how painful it is ? how
fond really ? )
does it tear you apart
to see the slowdown so fond ?
( can you slow down the tearing of a somebody once
so fond_a-crying ?—over a salad of despair— )
don't believe that unemployment
is high ? the unemployment is little
beyond belief
trivial is just the thing
to make me wonder
if the unemployment is minute
wonder if the crisis
even rises
for Victor Miesel
over high
as the crow flies the widebody
educes its self-machine
as if
a roar nu-beast powerful
animal symbol as the sword
smiles and belongings free
belts & souls aboard accounted
real as the water jesus walked
once mighty the raven-stare
figuring you tiny in your dark
knowing in being measured
wing-clipped everett
billion-spun myth
Nils Geylen was raised between the arctic and the equator and is currently stuck in Belgium. His writing explores currents of culture and convention in a transitioning society beyond the postmodern. His work investigates the boundaries of experiment and intelligibility.The writing is slow; nevertheless he has published sparingly in a number of print and online publications in the Low Countries and internationally. He is involved in literature promotion through literacy inclusion and shared reading.
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