KJ Hannah Greenberg
Bus stop to Heaven
Greenhouse Hoops
Tsfat Windows
KJ Hannah Greenberg is eclectic. She’s played oboe, participated in martial arts, learned basket weaving, and studied Middle Eastern dancing. What’s more, she’s a certified herbalist, and an AP College Board-authorized teacher of calculus. As a professor, mostly, she’s taught critical and creative thinking by means of English, communications, philosophy, sociology, and psychology courses.
Bus stop to Heaven
Greenhouse Hoops
Tsfat Windows
KJ Hannah Greenberg is eclectic. She’s played oboe, participated in martial arts, learned basket weaving, and studied Middle Eastern dancing. What’s more, she’s a certified herbalist, and an AP College Board-authorized teacher of calculus. As a professor, mostly, she’s taught critical and creative thinking by means of English, communications, philosophy, sociology, and psychology courses.
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