Vernon Frazer

Patriotic Rent

Deadening software, cantaloupe
sequence rummages filtered ambuscades,
tilting shadowed dancers past veils
of acclamation. Beyond remonstrance
to occipital fragmentation, excerpts frantic
a mausoleum’s red dust. No barter
to schedule there, now or anywhere.
Later, the past resumes its pick-up,
a slanted memory. Abated wills dredging
their vacant soliloquies filibuster
wretched as any stretch of their sequence.
Acts of silver treachery follow. Too many
waken to many weakened, wary, or wisely
divided states. United falls break the pace
of the bleary somnolence indicted
by coat-brand conspirator leashes
reaching for alabaster’s past gleanings
stretched across a pool’s reflector fence.
The rector of a conquered syllabus
yearns for release from aching bondage
directed at his torrid subtones of fright
and panicked arousal at sleepers.
Night brings no shadows of relief,
only antelope dread. Lonely horns
regret the breaking of their horrid rims
another time. While casters polish
the fading stars, a maximum sequence bars
their subtle infiltration. Wilting jailers
jeer the proclamation, correctly wailing
jaded fences to songs clinging in arrears.

Massed Transits

Bartered transfer thickets
bay the leaf its nude acrostics,
a compliment assuaged beyond
true measure. Its pleasured hue
sways in the mirrored sun.

Any further delay will suffice.

Automated referral ledgers
ticket the explosion before it rides
the reef’s caustic texture
to implement sonorous wages
waylaid as a gun’s lurid tract.

Isometric gridlock meets the relay.

Upping the Ladder

Eastern lumbago sunset renewal
calibrates rural diameter offspring.
Threaded entries iterate tension skies.
Enameled parvenue trammeled offerings.
Cuffs rotor linked tomorrow’s rough glitter
entreaties. Foreground applicants went
number than canceled enumeration.
Enough counting underwent mounting
innuendo ladders. More intent on clattering
than resisting letters, new parameters insist
on vacant tatters, adding another ill pursuit.
When it relates to resetting new vents
the clamor bedrocks berated seals
against ascent. Whispers climb wet
centers, feed on dead breath.
Whenever went before them last,
made the first return, counting earnings
untenable. Fractious sentiments accrued
looks of furtive ledgers, stolen by decree
or tactic. Actual plundering berates viscosity.
Eager deals went on and on, venting
splenectomy futures: batter garlic pretensions,
a somnolent ooze. No matter whose mentor
ventured loose, invention preferred to choose
a better motto. Incendiary fixtures loosened
throttled ambition megaplex varieties. Annexing
negative pediments begrudges the nest
its fixed addresses. With excuses to match
fires with light pigmentation, a sample testing
its amble to fruition. No futon massacre
encumbered wreckage onslaught, nor past
diameter vendors regardless of fuselage.
Evident tacticians recede, irreverently
discoursing the surge of referential dialectics,
urgent as the scourge on their ascent.

Vernon Frazer has published eight books of poetry and three books of fiction. His work has appeared in Aught, Big Bridge, First Intensity, Jack Magazine, Lost and Found Times, Moria, Miami SunPost, Muse Apprentice Guild, Sidereality, Xstream and many other literary magazines. His web site is http://vernonfrazer.com. His most recent works are the longpoems Avenue Noir and IMPROVISATIONS, the now-completed work which he introduced in his 2001 reading at the Poetry Project. Frazer is married and lives in South Florida.

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