John Mercuri Dooley

an excerpt from MIary

June 17

No cut no it's baby p what was that hamm air freaftersher rain

laund hair kn Uncle sad stobusp not to Agnwrimirrorklees ram sh

keep s pin L no wLisahat d no don't d yellow pat birbluedie nodizzyt

f SouBrouthbLnoorough her w Mar ilyn M death hJane Andeady

Mansfield let cufinmyinisht self that sMusebig showtopeum tbalcony poor

juthisge l no d hamm wrought samthee I go now faster follow cup sh

head dim but stopped th not bus sound H no Latin

nblacko sievilde writing d TermGenieinator goemb joke

U.S.overnorarr stop puke wri stop stem thought cell that be free thought this

is too t w light b next-door nflower pur small baskeighbor wa

bucsadk pregdid not baskantevenball then knew or not Mrs. K across the

ass fucking asshole wish I less l Dr. Be no d Mt. Au sandwich

big aca rich so sensibgard nonde espalrestaura wroughtierible don't now

tlikehis be sad G why pen again always that ca chirp to not big Lin

UnGrampale S Dad s Special he's sdon'tkinny conthis isfuse thinking

before writing I let s spiral bound thought that before this is interesting

let I Kyle wh benecomfortefits foolish feel in fuck thlessat clear meaning more

less Lamict clear Ian so movjob Termie monsters in what men mean

ator retawas am embrd Ma sa fuck her as not siren 2nd know

Bownot raery what this is thought not f too dog scarlooks noed why

Romsounda afis itraid this is roinsecevenureote working but

knGuenightevier to tap dank writing litera what that s smell of saw

maggot t hope there's a is t now stay in not Anne pwhy HSroject nwhy

fuckever Petno morer Ptwillyan in a tmindhis must be keep tired it's let

self say almost as no scrape making

(Note: In performance, this is a work for three voices.)

John Mercuri Dooley's work has appeared in Fascicle, Moria, No Tell Motel and elsewhere. He co-curates the Demolicious Poetry/Multimedia Series in Cambridge, Mass.

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