Richard Lopez

moving as in a frame
      for steve caratzas

blossom smash
           twist of ass
                     check out those gams

                               bloody supernova

it takes a nation of crows to hold me back

evening walk         again thru k st
mind throwing     punches
as evening              shorts out

who turned            off the light
plowed in                crosswalk crusted
in cars love            and porn shops

in this walk             soundtrack by
roxy music             'avalon'
mixed with             thousands of crows

above in the          trees
buckling up           against the very
chilled                     refracted air

meat poetry in sacramento, ca

goofing off thru the city tipped over trash bins
           burger wrappers and cigarettes smashed like bugs
                     summer sun peeling off skin radioactivity
                               cesar chavez park wi fi connection
hum and stink says we are open
trust me give me a quarter and i'll tell you a lie

okay i'm a sucker
           what is my future

you man staring at your shoes
bagged bottle of booze in hand
                     cars trucks and bikes doppler past

yes this is the future
film scratched out hand-painted like brakhage
only if

Richard Lopez' poems lurk online and off. his most recent chapbook is super8. want one? email him at this address for a copy.

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