Joe Balaz

Opera House 3000
Joe Balaz lives in northeast Ohio. He is the author of Domino Buzz, a cd of music-poetry ( He is also coauthor of JOMA—online, an online gallery of concrete poetry and photography with photo-artist Mary Ellen Derwis. His recent work has appeared in or is forthcoming from Icon, Oregon Literary Review, AdmitTwo, Eleventh Transmission, Right Hand Pointing, The Cerebral Catalyst, Zygote in my Coffee, Neon Literary Magazine, Clockwise Cat and Subtle Tea.
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Joe Balaz lives in northeast Ohio. He is the author of Domino Buzz, a cd of music-poetry ( He is also coauthor of JOMA—online, an online gallery of concrete poetry and photography with photo-artist Mary Ellen Derwis. His recent work has appeared in or is forthcoming from Icon, Oregon Literary Review, AdmitTwo, Eleventh Transmission, Right Hand Pointing, The Cerebral Catalyst, Zygote in my Coffee, Neon Literary Magazine, Clockwise Cat and Subtle Tea.
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