Michael Farrell
The painting cried when anyone looked at it by anyone
I mean the weak. Types that frequent
Mimosa museum in, the first, place another name for
Wattle as the dame would say the. Skin wobbling under her chin.
An abstract-too and not a good one it,
Didnt look, like not anything through the window you can
See the historians drying out they think, it much more daring I’n;
Th’e face of fresh, fleshed undergrads, to skewer rather than.
Embrace & most undergrads being. Incredibly wimpy & in a state
Where any manifestation, of differentiation from their unhistorian like parents seems
Like the beast they, want to, lie with this
Thinking is rarely challenged – quoting mysti’cs is one thi’ng misty eyedness.
Beats its own A student bedding ratio 3 1 these-are
The sorts of-things i think about when-driving the truck,
Which i mean to quit doing the moment the,
Voice tells me its time my main source is the opaque times For.
Instance statistics on lavacide sales, wombat population figures &,
The number of unavoidable holes on stock bearing property id cry too!
Imagine having half your body removed & some trained staff member telling yo’u not,
To’ give me the chance of digging bores in south Africa Id.
Jump At It The Little Boy
Charges the library with a yellow umbrella i volunteer to
Care you can go crazy.
Even In A City, this big through,
Lack of vitamin l So We Looked.
At, a, few pictures;
And take the library, dingo for a short;
Walk before damiens due home everythin’g you
Need to know about kids is on the internet.
& more than you need To know
About adults damien says tearing his,
Umbrella in frustration aloha they call me hawaiian
Editors with their big plans which may or may not.
Involve stealing my sperm, from me while i,
Sleep & selling it into sperm slavery.
This is how “I’t works; Ther’es there; a lase’r connected,
“To a watering can &. They double as a security.”
System the marketing people finally call & i
Trip over my words in my rush to,
Give them what they want movies mak’e nothing
Happen nothing, is, a text, file &.
Should have no effect on your problems,
With memory remember to ask your-doctor,
Next, time this wil’l obviate the need,
For heavy, duty painkillers the splice worked.
Perfectly angela gives the elephant a back Rub she!
Is Leaning
Off the Fence have
Those periwinkles always been there garnishing,
The stark untreated fence you
Might make more money.
But in The End how longs
It take to tailor a;
Cigarette the kissing lessons continued is
This jargon one da’y however.
The force will explain all come;
Down below the theatre
Proper & live here In The
Mens room weve just begun.
Seeing other, er people & now theres talk,
Of dinners or outings am i
Independent is, an Oyste’r the
Foam on the marble top resembled.
It They defined avant garde to,
Their Own satisfaction &
Then-proceeded to undermine said satisfaction
In typical irish manner the dub.
Fraternity & the lesser dub clique start
Hanging around the rhythm it appears –
You have lightning little peach birds
Pop out of the peaches hauntingly.
Echoing The
Lots midnight again & again purplish coffee streams
Out out of mouths out, of hospital corners-&,
Hurries out Like we Would-if only
The voice would speak its a-trick-or a perception &.
Came to be known As – Such he would! –
Twiddle his pencil & soon the man at the;
Next table was-taking-off, his Shirt, what Did,
He see but a few lines that erased Stumpiness.
This is the shirtless cafe & has Moved more
Than one coffee drinker he was in the corner;
Of his own devising the inflammation the reasons manifold
The grapes ignored resisted in the supermarket a fan has been purchased.
& placed near the painting, a laser
Michael Farrell has published 3 books: ode ode (Salt, 2002); BREAK ME OUCH (3 Deep, 2006); and a raiders guide (Giramondo, 2008). He recently completed a writer's residency in Nagoya, Japan, and is a PhD student at Melbourne University.
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The painting cried when anyone looked at it by anyone
I mean the weak. Types that frequent
Mimosa museum in, the first, place another name for
Wattle as the dame would say the. Skin wobbling under her chin.
An abstract-too and not a good one it,
Didnt look, like not anything through the window you can
See the historians drying out they think, it much more daring I’n;
Th’e face of fresh, fleshed undergrads, to skewer rather than.
Embrace & most undergrads being. Incredibly wimpy & in a state
Where any manifestation, of differentiation from their unhistorian like parents seems
Like the beast they, want to, lie with this
Thinking is rarely challenged – quoting mysti’cs is one thi’ng misty eyedness.
Beats its own A student bedding ratio 3 1 these-are
The sorts of-things i think about when-driving the truck,
Which i mean to quit doing the moment the,
Voice tells me its time my main source is the opaque times For.
Instance statistics on lavacide sales, wombat population figures &,
The number of unavoidable holes on stock bearing property id cry too!
Imagine having half your body removed & some trained staff member telling yo’u not,
To’ give me the chance of digging bores in south Africa Id.
Jump At It The Little Boy
Charges the library with a yellow umbrella i volunteer to
Care you can go crazy.
Even In A City, this big through,
Lack of vitamin l So We Looked.
At, a, few pictures;
And take the library, dingo for a short;
Walk before damiens due home everythin’g you
Need to know about kids is on the internet.
& more than you need To know
About adults damien says tearing his,
Umbrella in frustration aloha they call me hawaiian
Editors with their big plans which may or may not.
Involve stealing my sperm, from me while i,
Sleep & selling it into sperm slavery.
This is how “I’t works; Ther’es there; a lase’r connected,
“To a watering can &. They double as a security.”
System the marketing people finally call & i
Trip over my words in my rush to,
Give them what they want movies mak’e nothing
Happen nothing, is, a text, file &.
Should have no effect on your problems,
With memory remember to ask your-doctor,
Next, time this wil’l obviate the need,
For heavy, duty painkillers the splice worked.
Perfectly angela gives the elephant a back Rub she!
Is Leaning
Off the Fence have
Those periwinkles always been there garnishing,
The stark untreated fence you
Might make more money.
But in The End how longs
It take to tailor a;
Cigarette the kissing lessons continued is
This jargon one da’y however.
The force will explain all come;
Down below the theatre
Proper & live here In The
Mens room weve just begun.
Seeing other, er people & now theres talk,
Of dinners or outings am i
Independent is, an Oyste’r the
Foam on the marble top resembled.
It They defined avant garde to,
Their Own satisfaction &
Then-proceeded to undermine said satisfaction
In typical irish manner the dub.
Fraternity & the lesser dub clique start
Hanging around the rhythm it appears –
You have lightning little peach birds
Pop out of the peaches hauntingly.
Echoing The
Lots midnight again & again purplish coffee streams
Out out of mouths out, of hospital corners-&,
Hurries out Like we Would-if only
The voice would speak its a-trick-or a perception &.
Came to be known As – Such he would! –
Twiddle his pencil & soon the man at the;
Next table was-taking-off, his Shirt, what Did,
He see but a few lines that erased Stumpiness.
This is the shirtless cafe & has Moved more
Than one coffee drinker he was in the corner;
Of his own devising the inflammation the reasons manifold
The grapes ignored resisted in the supermarket a fan has been purchased.
& placed near the painting, a laser
Michael Farrell has published 3 books: ode ode (Salt, 2002); BREAK ME OUCH (3 Deep, 2006); and a raiders guide (Giramondo, 2008). He recently completed a writer's residency in Nagoya, Japan, and is a PhD student at Melbourne University.
Fine poems all in this otoliths.
I am a big fan.
Where can I read a sample of the work from a raiders guide?
if you have a moment...
please email me & let me in on where some of yr poems may be found
on line.
I am at:
Raymond Farr
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