Anny Ballardini
I am the snake drag queen
I am l’Aventurera by Gout, Michele Pierri with eleven children
I am the Iti the Gringa
I am the African, the Algerian, Derrida at La Sorbonne
I am el Topo
I am my own naked child my wife
I am my 4 enemies
I am my crippled outdistanced isolated group
I am my Apocalypse Now
I am Teresa Melo
I am Deuteronomy I’m the Devil
I am the Protestant, the Christian, the Agnostic, the Jew
I am the synthesis of my thesis and antithesis
I am the tooth
I am the subjective of the objective
I am the objective of the subjective
I am the Tulane library
I am the idea of displacement
I am the in-between_ness, Bréton and Cocteau
I am the hurricane and the carnival the Green and the Blue
I am the Manifesto of the Surreal
I am the surreal of the manifest
I am the real without the manifest
I am sure there is no real
There is no such thing as repetition but insistence
Susan Schultz when talking of Gertrude Stein
after Meg Withers / page 46
(ellipsis) an epiphany
(underscore) tears
(underscore) dying
(underscore) our
(underscore ellipsis) bodies
(underscore ellipsis ellipsis) without skeleton
(capital letter) Death has come with its scythe and it
reached our home
(ellipsis) and (capital letter) He walked down and told them
to stand up and eat (ellipsis)
float up like
colored balloons
“Look at that one,
daddy!” a kid points
to the third last
in a row the
with Hippocrates’
hues lingering above
Paradise Restaurant.
by name not
by creed,
the phone:
I know you know
and an echoing
what has been
hollowing in
Marianne Faithful, Say it in broken English
waste bins trash cans in stainless steel free standing built-in commercial outdoor smokers’ urns for bathrooms medical or recycling adorned with trash bags in durable metal fiberglass plastic wood bamboo glass aluminium concrete in heavy-duty steel to withstand harsh weather conditions water-proof with tilt-out trash units all sizes all colors from the spectrum of light :
in wavelengths and frequency intervals
mauve lavender magenta chartreuse viridian tangerine apricot lime psychedelic purple burgundy aqua salmon crimson army green terra cotta azure fuchsia jade salmon brass turquoise bistre wisteria cyan deep cerise lilac papaya whip zinnwaldite amber French rose and French blue elegant shades of grey (arsenic, taupe) heliotrope indigo Pearl ivory mint green saffron Tea rose amaranth
what organizational rationality
a drainage system
sparkling clean homes
what genteel dreaming estates
bottle shards on bordering walls
to keep thieves out _ microbial fauna eliminated
what an uplifting relief
a tornado
unwanted debris sucked out
what indescribable soaring
the feather serpent
Olé! Teresita!
Linda mujerita!
Hay amor come me has puesto
Hay hay hay
thank you, garbage cans
for having emptied our pasts
of confessional poetry
in their memory
our times
distant and different from the following times
free love? Maybe
with the gloomy viscous bat of Christianity
Life is a horizontal fall
by Jean Cocteau
then there came the yuppies
they’d sell their mothers for a Martini
let alone parts of their bodies
free love as pitiful commerce
the same term ‘love’ went out of fashion
used as the formal epitaph on tombstones
on the plus computers became a must
then there came the need for uniqueness
at an international and personal level
the conscious need to reassert one’s own self (-consciousness)
I’m not you
cultural identities made news headlines
on the plus mutual responsibility became a must
then there came social catharsis for change
Pound’s make it new turned into a creed
dramatic global recognition of greenhouse effects sound air water pollution
on the minus whole food chains at exorbitant prices
then there came dissolution
religions at stake
lies unveiled
that is where we are now
still a year to go.
To the States
To the States or any one of them, or any city of the States,
Resist much, obey little.
Once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved,
Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city of this earth, ever
afterward resumes its liberty.
by Walt Whitman
generational imprints
a codified automated DNA perceived as intuition
Aztec stars dictating performative gestures
in the everlasting sameness for the single being
updated perception’s urgent changes in the collective unconscious delirium.
Anny Ballardini lives in Bolzano, Italy. She grew up in New York, lived in New Orleans, Buenos Aires, Florence. A poet, translator and interpreter (simultaneous interpreter for English, French, Italian), she teaches high school; edits Poets' Corner - Fieralingue, an online poetry site; and maintains a blog, Narcissus Works. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from UNO, University of New Orleans, Chair and Director Bill Lavender. Besides various full length publications of translations on the market, to be mentioned is her collection of poems, Opening and Closing Numbers, published by Moria Editions, 2005. Otoliths will be publishing Ghost Dance in 31 Movements, her thesis collection, later this year. A detailed CV can be found here.
contents next page
hulaan = music
kundimaan = Philippino lowe song
she wonders why the sea behaves so strangely; today, its stillness unnerves her, she knows that it’s |
extraneous in a land where there is no sea and the sky breaks into violent storms and words rise to midair with the calls of birds wolfsong, found poems. /// after Barbara Jane Reyes |
I am the snake drag queen
I am l’Aventurera by Gout, Michele Pierri with eleven children
I am the Iti the Gringa
I am the African, the Algerian, Derrida at La Sorbonne
I am el Topo
I am my own naked child my wife
I am my 4 enemies
I am my crippled outdistanced isolated group
I am my Apocalypse Now
I am Teresa Melo
I am Deuteronomy I’m the Devil
I am the Protestant, the Christian, the Agnostic, the Jew
I am the synthesis of my thesis and antithesis
I am the tooth
I am the subjective of the objective
I am the objective of the subjective
I am the Tulane library
I am the idea of displacement
I am the in-between_ness, Bréton and Cocteau
I am the hurricane and the carnival the Green and the Blue
I am the Manifesto of the Surreal
I am the surreal of the manifest
I am the real without the manifest
I am sure there is no real
Susan Schultz when talking of Gertrude Stein
after Meg Withers / page 46
(ellipsis) an epiphany
(underscore) tears
(underscore) dying
(underscore) our
(underscore ellipsis) bodies
(underscore ellipsis ellipsis) without skeleton
(capital letter) Death has come with its scythe and it
reached our home
(ellipsis) and (capital letter) He walked down and told them
to stand up and eat (ellipsis)
float up like
colored balloons
“Look at that one,
daddy!” a kid points
to the third last
in a row the
with Hippocrates’
hues lingering above
Paradise Restaurant.
by name not
by creed,
the phone:
I know you know
and an echoing
what has been
hollowing in
Marianne Faithful, Say it in broken English
waste bins trash cans in stainless steel free standing built-in commercial outdoor smokers’ urns for bathrooms medical or recycling adorned with trash bags in durable metal fiberglass plastic wood bamboo glass aluminium concrete in heavy-duty steel to withstand harsh weather conditions water-proof with tilt-out trash units all sizes all colors from the spectrum of light :
in wavelengths and frequency intervals
mauve lavender magenta chartreuse viridian tangerine apricot lime psychedelic purple burgundy aqua salmon crimson army green terra cotta azure fuchsia jade salmon brass turquoise bistre wisteria cyan deep cerise lilac papaya whip zinnwaldite amber French rose and French blue elegant shades of grey (arsenic, taupe) heliotrope indigo Pearl ivory mint green saffron Tea rose amaranth
what organizational rationality
a drainage system
sparkling clean homes
what genteel dreaming estates
bottle shards on bordering walls
to keep thieves out _ microbial fauna eliminated
what an uplifting relief
a tornado
unwanted debris sucked out
what indescribable soaring
the feather serpent
Olé! Teresita!
Linda mujerita!
Hay amor come me has puesto
Hay hay hay
sing of the white man with blue eyes his stirring beauty the one who migrated to mines caught as a prisoner of a war he did not know existed and of another man forced to a war he knew ::: gutters etched out into the guts of earth _Anthracite Annual Report Pennsylvania Mining Activities_ deafening magnetism broken backs your ribs against the ribs of earth lungs as rock your flesh so lean you are bone clinging like an hermit to the caves’ cartilage _WATER_AIR_LIGHT_ pulp mates under the rumble (pray and see) in the swallowing vertiginous darkness those in your visions (they will never understand) your broken teeth under the suffocating tension of 16-18 hours in the night to come out and collapse in the night so that
can be white-collared Elizabeth queens projected silvery queers
thank you, garbage cans
for having emptied our pasts
of confessional poetry
in their memory
In the domain of knowledge, we encounter this logic of separation when, all of a sudden, we see that what we thought was the limitation of our knowledge about a thing is in fact an inherent limitation of the thing itself.
from Interrogating the Real by Slavoj Zizek
our times
distant and different from the following times
free love? Maybe
with the gloomy viscous bat of Christianity
Life is a horizontal fall
by Jean Cocteau
then there came the yuppies
they’d sell their mothers for a Martini
let alone parts of their bodies
free love as pitiful commerce
the same term ‘love’ went out of fashion
used as the formal epitaph on tombstones
on the plus computers became a must
then there came the need for uniqueness
at an international and personal level
the conscious need to reassert one’s own self (-consciousness)
I’m not you
cultural identities made news headlines
on the plus mutual responsibility became a must
then there came social catharsis for change
Pound’s make it new turned into a creed
dramatic global recognition of greenhouse effects sound air water pollution
on the minus whole food chains at exorbitant prices
then there came dissolution
religions at stake
lies unveiled
that is where we are now
still a year to go.
To the States
To the States or any one of them, or any city of the States,
Resist much, obey little.
Once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved,
Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city of this earth, ever
afterward resumes its liberty.
by Walt Whitman
generational imprints
a codified automated DNA perceived as intuition
Aztec stars dictating performative gestures
in the everlasting sameness for the single being
updated perception’s urgent changes in the collective unconscious delirium.
How, then, are we to specify this ‘knowledge’ which, even in our era of cynicism, brings about effects in the Real? Perhaps the best approach to it is via the opposition between violent coercion and ‘genuine’ subordination.
From The Indivisible Remainder: on Shelling and Related Matters, by Slavoj Zizek
Anny Ballardini lives in Bolzano, Italy. She grew up in New York, lived in New Orleans, Buenos Aires, Florence. A poet, translator and interpreter (simultaneous interpreter for English, French, Italian), she teaches high school; edits Poets' Corner - Fieralingue, an online poetry site; and maintains a blog, Narcissus Works. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from UNO, University of New Orleans, Chair and Director Bill Lavender. Besides various full length publications of translations on the market, to be mentioned is her collection of poems, Opening and Closing Numbers, published by Moria Editions, 2005. Otoliths will be publishing Ghost Dance in 31 Movements, her thesis collection, later this year. A detailed CV can be found here.
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