Raymond Farr
Some dude posed dead in EXIT’s red flash.
[for the jazz will be western—
this bass trombone, this trumpet are jazz,
s’il vous plait]
&walked down among western evening picnickers,
out strolling in their blue denim death suits, some searching, some blind as moles—
wild, uncontemplated, anvil’d & gross arrangements of texts
manacled to clefs.
& rose up, for he stood up defines violet for purple window sill.
…dark, exact footfall by dark, exact footfall,
up “origins’” gravel drive, arrives (on schedule) (in sync) (under sailor’s sky
at evening)
evolving as (I
era geologique, epoch de l’histoire, ,clandestine, foggy, “wunderkinder”
yielding: puns punches plots [& then] “wunderkinder” arrives late in High German:
“I was this guy writing words I saw in my head—
The links were glacial & pearls. The pearls were equal & flowed.
The flowers were open & equal. The words were glacial & onyx.
I watched a man, meaning damask.
I suffered the patrol of his depths.”
Painters know, ,as poets don’t, ,that “za ‘faran” ain’t the sun.
& “al zahr” [arabic: “the dice”] resembles to-do lists hazardous through space &
“Look, Popeye, it’s helium the orbit the phylum the every.”
Jute Norse Anglo Dutch [Italics, , heroically] me ODE’s
but a budding
absquatulates epenthesis ab intra, ,me
cardiff’s a klutz, ,me animus owes zilch to
evolve, ,a ditz-upon-Thames, ,
Flemish in woodcuts,
, & amber beneath,
,floodlights and stars,
,the water chilled black, ,
me talu's me tael,
abundantly wildly obsessively Olde Worldly
&ever verging eateries evolve upon every e
a RED SHIFTED coping
&,books per shelved minute,
,theclock, ,theclock, ,theclock, ,theclock, ,gauged
& mimicking,
Time forward:
No more red than red shifted south
at some point a camera is too much.
& trailed by earnest, gallant Officer Huff,
Time is the substance of Officer Huff.
Stasis kept on / WORDAGE per acre
et al the goats the departs
[left a stage a self]
a self [actually] [acutely]Miserere:
& meaning baroque, I rumored reclusive.
& meaning rococo, I stayed all night enthralled in my hammock,
,RED SHIFTED, blogging
a sign is an aardwolf roiled in moonbeams &
at baroque, ,lopped at gravel drive,
,the _dges caught fire, ,the swart crags
carved out of crimson, ,assumed a red,
, ,akin to flame,
a being solar, pure in color—
east of chapel, ,west of cipher—
a plot the wunderkinder undertook
now oddly in stone in sun / in deluge
on [gravel drive] [lopped _dge
of grassy]shadow
[the rain a plot point]
flood & conflagration apres midi
Raymond Farr lives in Ocala, FL. His work appears most recently in Cricket On Line Review, Sous Rature, Moria, Xstream, Text Base, Otoliths, Little Red Leaves, Success, Sidebrow, Word for/Word, Venereal Kittens, Apocryphal Text, Dusie, among others. Visit his blog for more info.
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Creation, Sequence de facto
Some dude posed dead in EXIT’s red flash.
[for the jazz will be western—
this bass trombone, this trumpet are jazz,
s’il vous plait]
&walked down among western evening picnickers,
out strolling in their blue denim death suits, some searching, some blind as moles—
wild, uncontemplated, anvil’d & gross arrangements of texts
manacled to clefs.
& rose up, for he stood up defines violet for purple window sill.
Late Arrival
…dark, exact footfall by dark, exact footfall,
up “origins’” gravel drive, arrives (on schedule) (in sync) (under sailor’s sky
at evening)
evolving as (I
era geologique, epoch de l’histoire, ,clandestine, foggy, “wunderkinder”
yielding: puns punches plots [& then] “wunderkinder” arrives late in High German:
“I was this guy writing words I saw in my head—
The links were glacial & pearls. The pearls were equal & flowed.
The flowers were open & equal. The words were glacial & onyx.
I watched a man, meaning damask.
I suffered the patrol of his depths.”
Poly-Sutra, ,et al.
Painters know, ,as poets don’t, ,that “za ‘faran” ain’t the sun.
& “al zahr” [arabic: “the dice”] resembles to-do lists hazardous through space &
“Look, Popeye, it’s helium the orbit the phylum the every.”
ab intra
Jute Norse Anglo Dutch [Italics, , heroically] me ODE’s
but a budding
absquatulates epenthesis ab intra, ,me
cardiff’s a klutz, ,me animus owes zilch to
evolve, ,a ditz-upon-Thames, ,
Flemish in woodcuts,
, & amber beneath,
,floodlights and stars,
,the water chilled black, ,
me talu's me tael,
abundantly wildly obsessively Olde Worldly
&ever verging eateries evolve upon every e
a RED SHIFTED coping
&,books per shelved minute,
,theclock, ,theclock, ,theclock, ,theclock, ,gauged
& mimicking,
Time forward:
No more red than red shifted south
at some point a camera is too much.
& trailed by earnest, gallant Officer Huff,
Time is the substance of Officer Huff.
Stasis kept on / WORDAGE per acre
et al the goats the departs
[left a stage a self]
a self [actually] [acutely]Miserere:
& meaning baroque, I rumored reclusive.
& meaning rococo, I stayed all night enthralled in my hammock,
,RED SHIFTED, blogging
a sign is an aardwolf roiled in moonbeams &
at baroque, ,lopped at gravel drive,
,the _dges caught fire, ,the swart crags
carved out of crimson, ,assumed a red,
, ,akin to flame,
a being solar, pure in color—
east of chapel, ,west of cipher—
a plot the wunderkinder undertook
now oddly in stone in sun / in deluge
on [gravel drive] [lopped _dge
of grassy]shadow
[the rain a plot point]
flood & conflagration apres midi
Raymond Farr lives in Ocala, FL. His work appears most recently in Cricket On Line Review, Sous Rature, Moria, Xstream, Text Base, Otoliths, Little Red Leaves, Success, Sidebrow, Word for/Word, Venereal Kittens, Apocryphal Text, Dusie, among others. Visit his blog for more info.
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