Felino Soriano

Conversational Sketch

meanings occur, a fashionable transformation,
takings from a tongue in conversational
bilateral swaying,
two humans, two placed in predetermined stances,
half erect and
                              in akimbo statuesque
comprehension, two placed humans
in conversational occurrences,
learned dialogue, among manifested society
of featureless faces.

Existential Colors in the Tone
of Personal Philosophy

Per a dozen thoughts
realized by those
introduced in conceptual
colors, for colors often
used in personal ways
as blue equating
                                   to ascertain
emotion of undulating
sadness, tribute to tumbling
tears among contours
                                              of knuckle-rubbed
red of swollen sadness.

Yellow by frightened moving forward,
forehead cradles
analogies brought forth by
fear of flying, philanthropic endeavors,
for underlying giving
                                             exacts in its proper tone,
defines an activity of dispositional worth,
a giving, going (green), akin to the
envious tone toward existence
within a monotonous reality.

Felino Soriano is a Californian philosophy student and case manager working with developmentally and physically disabled adults. His chapbook Exhibits Require Understanding Open Eyes was published by and is available through Trainwreck Press, 2008. An e-Book is also forthcoming from BlazeVOX Books, Among the Interrogated, in 2008. The juxtaposition of his philosophical studies with his love of classic and avant-garde jazz explains his poetic stimulation. Visit www.felinosoriano.com for a publication history and for more information.

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