Marcia Arrieta

a time

studios & walls.    open space.    river.
flash    breath    shadow.    restart.    unbound
dichotomies.    eagles.    mountains.
tending toward abstract.    the music.    the painting.
once upon a time.    always once upon.    upon once.
the firefly & the dragon.    the box is a tree.
love is a flower.    memory & fear.    fear & memory.
we manage to find our way through the underground
tunnel.    the obligations become torn pieces blue .
syllable the mysterious.    introspect the moon.
immediate silence.    do not.    why?
heidegger’s—why?    picasso’s—why not?
there is a house in iceland.    there is a house in spain.
arctic/circle/mediterranean.    hurricanes.    crashes.
suppose birds.    sleeping giants.    there is never.
morning star.    eucalyptus the sea.    how
experimental reveals.    symmetrical/asymmetrical.
the color of light.

the word dream appears when least expected

there is a rhetorical question hanging from the turtle’s mouth; he refuses to eat.

so many people talk and say nothing. somewhere there is a door in the tree.

we wander the scottish highlands. the word dream will not vanish.

number the priorities

i discover a small bright red petal in my hair

transcribe the sound of a leaf falling

create a chessboard


reinhabit transition/translation

the glass bottle is broken

yellow lotus in a waterfall

i confuse the tempest with king lear

read of the divining rod

architecture the life boat

waves divided by sun divided by dreams

rearrange the lines

time. art. harmony.

the wind resonates transition.

somewhere there is.

the wild of translate.

tempest divided by liberty divided by space.

maybe the spring. maybe.

only the mind knows.

another page to be placed in the art book.

there are many art books.

what is “savage compassion”?

a branch boat.

a stone fish with a star eye.

a japanese bridge counters the imagination.

the old rabbit in the cage is wise. his name is odysseus.

we are all kept in drawers.

Marcia Arrieta writes: "life these days: a sense of humor is vital. counterpose the arts. my work appears in past simple, moondance, blue print review,osiris, and is forthcoming in 12x2. my manuscript the curve against the linear was included by toadlily press in the newest volume of its quartet series—An Uncommon Accord."

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