Vernon Frazer
Celebrity Montage in Captivity
Vernon Frazer has published eight books of poetry, including the longpoem IMPROVISATIONS, and three books of fiction. His work has appeared in Aught, Big Bridge, Drunken Boat, First Intensity, Golden Handcuffs Review, Jack Magazine, Lost and Found Times, Moria,, Otoliths and many other literary magazines. His most recent books of poetry are Bodied Tone and Holiday Idylling. Frazer is married and lives in South Florida.
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Vernon Frazer has published eight books of poetry, including the longpoem IMPROVISATIONS, and three books of fiction. His work has appeared in Aught, Big Bridge, Drunken Boat, First Intensity, Golden Handcuffs Review, Jack Magazine, Lost and Found Times, Moria,, Otoliths and many other literary magazines. His most recent books of poetry are Bodied Tone and Holiday Idylling. Frazer is married and lives in South Florida.
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