Jared Schickling and John Bloomberg-Rissman

Your Transcript / primate 8.3 (cont'd)

12/21/08 3:01 PM

shit. good question. “there is data”

half the time / Nothing happens. Some Error drove[ S ] It
(genomically) (pheno phainein a-typically
ancient realization of beauty—and beginnings of terror, I’ve heard you say)
I / thou, or: Of lack: “where’s the meat?” [ 3RD TERM! ] some thing knows us.

OK but, “what to do with that,” wind playing game
plays the pane. Wind’s less than wind.
Vision that lacks vision and vision’s ecstasy of that            “red in me”

Irreligious book’s a romantic notion.

            Takes these responses: This “conversating”: as we erase a the
its noun aspect the
in mere collision: stupid:

not a thing to prove there’s no thing at stake [ AS IF! ] there’s no thing here [ ? ] but applicable misreads, some song: A song that’s the song of the song that was the song of the silencing of background noise it happens. The song’s abstraction. Which is, always, by that time, was. We never ever said that.

Once I went hunting. It felt unambiguously good. Truth out the window.
Then I got the pictures.

Once I got a computer / I realized / tons of thous, tons of computers. Thouse. House. No claims to be dumb: wise. Vermins afoot underfoot re-arrange. Shops from here. Via
me: a U. The aesthetic choice[ S ]                Of us It leaves
                                                                                                          [ “TRUTH OUT THE WONDOW” ]
                                                                                      [ SEE DELETED NOTES ]

           origin? “grouse”

love. [ LOVE. ]

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