Jeff Harrison
nightling signals
Jeff Harrison has poems in all the issues of Otoliths except the second issue. He has publications from Writers Forum, MAG Press, Persistencia Press, and Furniture Press. He has two e-books at xPress(ed), and one at Blazevox. His poetry has appeared in The Hay(na)ku Anthology Vol. II, Sentence: a Journal of Prose Poetics, Xerography, Moria, NOON: journal of the short poem, Dusie, MiPOesias, and elsewhere. He has an interview blog with Allen Bramhall called Antic View.
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Once again arrive eye-level Gratiae, as equal the Gratiae as ever they arrived the Gratiae, and as level with the eye. Did the Gratiae lack mimicry of human ways, what then would human imagination mimic? Already they Phoebus me re-name. Eye-level the Gratiae before I equaled Phoebus' name? Of human ways remain their mimicry eye-level to me.
nightling signals
nightling alive
time, chain newly
night wing
days, one delay
nightling signals
days, two delays
night feign
time, chain lately
Pomona and Aglaia, owls amidst the laurel, plot each Her sovereignty upon the wreath She would award. Ah, Daphne, sought ever! Pomona the semblance of Atropos, and Aglaia the dawn! How astonished Daphne, to find her figured yet anew? As astonished Aurore, semblance of a Bluebeard bride, to illume only dream.
Jeff Harrison has poems in all the issues of Otoliths except the second issue. He has publications from Writers Forum, MAG Press, Persistencia Press, and Furniture Press. He has two e-books at xPress(ed), and one at Blazevox. His poetry has appeared in The Hay(na)ku Anthology Vol. II, Sentence: a Journal of Prose Poetics, Xerography, Moria, NOON: journal of the short poem, Dusie, MiPOesias, and elsewhere. He has an interview blog with Allen Bramhall called Antic View.
Lovely lyricism, Anny
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