Ric Carfagna
Trace Elements
     A widow’s form defines shadows
            light moving in forward motion
              through thoughts
                 and recollections … patterns
                                  amid accumulations of dust
    the bodily
                 fascinations with an anterior fate
                                a self-reflected in shards of glass
    as if a future defines itself
              in a mirror’s image
    a flagging spirit’s autonomy
              garnered in histories repeating -
There is the pale river
to be forded before sunset
    the wind chimes anticipating evening
              where moments of stasis reign
                                in a candle’s passive windowing
wax droppings in vast corridors
an outstretched arm to embrace
a music          now drowning
the cosmic significance
                                of daylight’s receding torpor -
Cloud cover’s edge    vale in shallow breath
as when the overcast subjugates
a light from circular stairwells
              and the rectangular openings of doorways
                                  invites the unseen
                                                 spectral revenants
                                              the uncertainty in faces
                                                       and the isolation of dreams
                                     once seen at ashrams -
There have been overlooked aspects
   diminished through articulation
                                     and left over syntax
bleeding to bruised cataract-ground
              wreckage of prisons
              anonymity and decay
              this terrestrial lie
                            has spawned the alien intervention
              of surrogate fears and misplaced passion :
it is when conversation fails
to meet the bounds
              postulated by intention
that walls form patterns
and storms gather in framed doorways -
Surely there must be one requiem felt in the heart
to supplant this image the mirror interrogates
              flanked by tone rows and harmonious intervention
              the driftwood has now become relevant
                                                           to the strand’s ebbing presence -
A route of diminished returns
and bifurcations that are less the product
                                             of poverty’s misgivings
there is still the ideological
‘road not taken’
still the romantic allegories
to fabricate windows from walls -
Transparency eludes this angle of vision
so how can the objective observer
ascribe an accurate definition
to what cannot be
            an entity unseen in doorways? -
It is in the placation to another’s image of freedom
that a sandstorm appears
                            an insignificant obscuration
                               in the flames of conflict
              the insurgence of subjugating agendas
trash bins burn missives
and lies conspire
to quell the wind’s turbulent penetration
     sterile poignancies    steel barbs
a vacuous indication of substance
policies to underlie
a flat-earth
              formulation of verity . . .
Rigor of observation
‘they watched the city burn’
and the embers reconstruct
                            a wind’s intention
forms in isolation
parsing the hours . . .
night-sky stasis and clearing overcast
evolving vision of primitive stars
the unchanging
                            allusions to water, regeration
                            and the continuous
                                                        flow of ages
                                                                                    drawn together
form undulating in ebbing currents
For the sake of clarity
portents occlude the eye’s infusion
causation cannot deny
the human element of fate
                       as a house of cards crumbling
                                                        beneath this weight
                            passive forms lie
                            vanquished to silence -
Each season unto itself     is sufficient
and the empty page is misplaced
entropy & displacement
corridors recede
                            among driftwood and debris
                                           mortality covers the inland sea
                              where horizons diminish
                            the ashen fog lifts
                            before there is vision
                                                           to observe
                    a crow walks
                    the edge of a strand
                            the penchant is to seek
                            as the wreckage is passed
                            the eye acclimates
                                                        to scour daylight
                                                        for evidence of the myth
                                                        that lay in the unresolved –
This sense that surrounds
the chaotic voices
becoming misplaced
          a ghost walks among the living
          there are few who sense the presence
                    and fewer still to absorb the illumination
   emanating from the unglued seams
                                           perception becomes
                                           a chink in the armor
        soon a tapering light
                                           into wall recesses -
The mettle of straw gods uphold
   what this faith states:
          endings are among architecture
                       redefining the self
          amid the physical
axioms of observation
  what is relevant
  as a desert encircling
    this sparse gravity as motion
                       sifting elemental energies
among the oscillation of shadows
and nebulous contours to define
                                           form or flesh
Ric Carfagna is the author of 15 collections of poetry, most recently Null Set and Esse (Book II) published by x-Pressed. His poetry has evolved from the early experimental radicalities of his first two books, Confluential Trajectories and Porchcat Nadir, to the unsettling existential mosaics of his current collections, including his ongoing multi-book project Notes On NonExistence.
Ric has been the Poetry Review Editor for the E-Journal Poetic Inhalation and is currently associated with the arts and poetry publication New Mystics.
His poems have been published widely in America as well as in Europe.
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Trace Elements
     A widow’s form defines shadows
            light moving in forward motion
              through thoughts
                 and recollections … patterns
                                  amid accumulations of dust
    the bodily
                 fascinations with an anterior fate
                                a self-reflected in shards of glass
    as if a future defines itself
              in a mirror’s image
    a flagging spirit’s autonomy
              garnered in histories repeating -
There is the pale river
to be forded before sunset
    the wind chimes anticipating evening
              where moments of stasis reign
                                in a candle’s passive windowing
wax droppings in vast corridors
an outstretched arm to embrace
a music          now drowning
the cosmic significance
                                of daylight’s receding torpor -
Cloud cover’s edge    vale in shallow breath
as when the overcast subjugates
a light from circular stairwells
              and the rectangular openings of doorways
                                  invites the unseen
                                                 spectral revenants
                                              the uncertainty in faces
                                                       and the isolation of dreams
                                     once seen at ashrams -
There have been overlooked aspects
   diminished through articulation
                                     and left over syntax
bleeding to bruised cataract-ground
              wreckage of prisons
              anonymity and decay
              this terrestrial lie
                            has spawned the alien intervention
              of surrogate fears and misplaced passion :
it is when conversation fails
to meet the bounds
              postulated by intention
that walls form patterns
and storms gather in framed doorways -
Surely there must be one requiem felt in the heart
to supplant this image the mirror interrogates
              flanked by tone rows and harmonious intervention
              the driftwood has now become relevant
                                                           to the strand’s ebbing presence -
A route of diminished returns
and bifurcations that are less the product
                                             of poverty’s misgivings
there is still the ideological
‘road not taken’
still the romantic allegories
to fabricate windows from walls -
Transparency eludes this angle of vision
so how can the objective observer
ascribe an accurate definition
to what cannot be
            an entity unseen in doorways? -
It is in the placation to another’s image of freedom
that a sandstorm appears
                            an insignificant obscuration
                               in the flames of conflict
              the insurgence of subjugating agendas
trash bins burn missives
and lies conspire
to quell the wind’s turbulent penetration
     sterile poignancies    steel barbs
a vacuous indication of substance
policies to underlie
a flat-earth
              formulation of verity . . .
Rigor of observation
‘they watched the city burn’
and the embers reconstruct
                            a wind’s intention
forms in isolation
parsing the hours . . .
night-sky stasis and clearing overcast
evolving vision of primitive stars
the unchanging
                            allusions to water, regeration
                            and the continuous
                                                        flow of ages
                                                                                    drawn together
form undulating in ebbing currents
For the sake of clarity
portents occlude the eye’s infusion
causation cannot deny
the human element of fate
                       as a house of cards crumbling
                                                        beneath this weight
                            passive forms lie
                            vanquished to silence -
Each season unto itself     is sufficient
and the empty page is misplaced
entropy & displacement
corridors recede
                            among driftwood and debris
                                           mortality covers the inland sea
                              where horizons diminish
                            the ashen fog lifts
                            before there is vision
                                                           to observe
                    a crow walks
                    the edge of a strand
                            the penchant is to seek
                            as the wreckage is passed
                            the eye acclimates
                                                        to scour daylight
                                                        for evidence of the myth
                                                        that lay in the unresolved –
This sense that surrounds
the chaotic voices
becoming misplaced
          a ghost walks among the living
          there are few who sense the presence
                    and fewer still to absorb the illumination
   emanating from the unglued seams
                                           perception becomes
                                           a chink in the armor
        soon a tapering light
                                           into wall recesses -
The mettle of straw gods uphold
   what this faith states:
          endings are among architecture
                       redefining the self
          amid the physical
axioms of observation
  what is relevant
  as a desert encircling
    this sparse gravity as motion
                       sifting elemental energies
among the oscillation of shadows
and nebulous contours to define
                                           form or flesh
Ric Carfagna is the author of 15 collections of poetry, most recently Null Set and Esse (Book II) published by x-Pressed. His poetry has evolved from the early experimental radicalities of his first two books, Confluential Trajectories and Porchcat Nadir, to the unsettling existential mosaics of his current collections, including his ongoing multi-book project Notes On NonExistence.
Ric has been the Poetry Review Editor for the E-Journal Poetic Inhalation and is currently associated with the arts and poetry publication New Mystics.
His poems have been published widely in America as well as in Europe.
oomph and wow. this is just
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