Yonah Korngold
from noisy motions
Yonah Korngold is a writer from Philadelphia and the author of many outrageous claims. He received his MA from Temple University and currently contributes to merryswankster.com.
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from noisy motions
a single eye
dampens speed to catch a glimpse
of green movements across the street
snow quarters blocks of silence once the storm winds to sleep
a sense of that color collects in drops over rest notes
a puddle of green over tv snow
the day begins to overlap
and someone is raking up wet leaves
that fell off the tree during the storm
bundles of color undone and swept into oversized trash bags
she remains cordless
emotion drips the eyes flicker
air conditioner a constant howl/hum
beginning of slope
a slop of petals?
lopsided peculiar tolls on the way to the shore
motionless drafts of second guesses glued to any thoughts of what
could have been
the sensors went off
pitch dark offset by the kitchen light and the A/C rooftop hum,
the push of yes
two chord strum and walk away
this horn section is making me nervous
full of red eyes sipping
or staring
half closed in suspicion
strongstrong coffee and open eyes
oranges jumping out of fruit baskets
vases tipped over
pirates board a Greyhound bus headed to Atlantic City
ladles scoop up the slop of fog filled dawn
counting bean in a jar, bean in a jar
senses envelope all thoughts of green
a frustrated rhythm unfolds
this is what defines the mess I guess?
eyes shutter and default back to midnight like a reset dashboard clock
seeing blur
then a spot of red
inside nothing
and a gasp of air
the swell of sound can even empty breath straight out of the room
this constant rhythm is unforgiving
I see it
but then lost it
the malfunctioning dashboard clock blinks midnight
all systems shut downto consider the moment
lapse of eye shutter
blink of text and information exchange
actually the clock is still working but just gave up on keeping track
this is where the mess becomes second guessed
all wound up in a series of introductions
while speeding over highway emptiness the clown car gets a ticket
for not having enough seatbelts for the number of passengers in motion
Yonah Korngold is a writer from Philadelphia and the author of many outrageous claims. He received his MA from Temple University and currently contributes to merryswankster.com.
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