Zachary Scott Hamilton

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Bobby told me that he fixed my headache with an old
fold-able lawn chair. Green mint candy,
he told me that I should thank him for this
free gift on Thursdays. The lawn had
been grown over for sometime now and I would sit
in my mint green candy chair sipping black coffee from a glass,
pretending I did not hear his plans, to use my ass for his lip gloss.
The plan to make soap out of cinnamon fiber,
a ridiculous endeavor, or his plan to solder lichen
to grass, and watch it breed children. Until high school picture day.
His lichen carrying a math book in rubber glasses.
To me it felt like I had been looking in on him.
A bead of water, steady on a blade of grass for some
time now.
With soldering coils, but in the rain light.
A cable of nightmares passing from one of our forts
into another -

Zachary Scott Hamilton lives in an abandoned house in portland, oregon with his cat and two friends, his work appears in puckerbrush review out of maine, Sein und werden online, Ignavia, a broadside from marymark press out of New Jersey and Karawane zine.
feel free to connect with him on the internet: www.zachabstract.blogspot.com
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