Patrick Williamson
Circumstantial evidence
Patrick Williamson is an English poet born in Madrid in 1960. He has lived and worked in Paris since 1989. Most recent collections: Trois-Rivières/Three Rivers (Editions L'Harmattan, 2010), and Strands (Palores Publications, 2008). Also edited Quarante et un poètes de la Grande-Bretagne(2003) and translated poets Gilles Cyr, Tahar Bekri and Serge Pey, among others.
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Circumstantial evidence
Article 7.3 Under the provisions of this present article, the liability for your anguish cannot be assumed, much as love shall endeavour to lessen the burden, without this said shifting of the buck having the effective result of crippling. Notwithstanding, without knowing all possible wisdom by which means this situation can be so resolved, when I choose to thus take a decision, which in any event is perceived as indecisive, ascertaining the consequences is not even envisaged, I am thus a bullock before slaughter. By virtue of the above, the knife that in this case is presented before the facts is sharpened by someone’s unresolved, should there be no unremitting circumstances to diminish the responsibility of the holder of said knife, anger. It's a gas. Under the provisions of the present article, the quality of your amusement cannot be upheld, much as love shall endeavour to heighten the fun, without this said opening of the nozzle having had the effective result of enlightening the person mentioned herein. Notwithstanding, without knowing all possible nonsense by which means this situation can be so augmented, when you choose to thus inhale such contents as are stored therein, which in any event is perceived as decisive, ascertaining the consequences is not even envisaged, de facto you are a mug open to derision. By virtue of the above, the canister that in this case is presented after the fact, was clearly opened in mischievous, be there no other circumstances liable to distract the holder of said vessel, humour |
Patrick Williamson is an English poet born in Madrid in 1960. He has lived and worked in Paris since 1989. Most recent collections: Trois-Rivières/Three Rivers (Editions L'Harmattan, 2010), and Strands (Palores Publications, 2008). Also edited Quarante et un poètes de la Grande-Bretagne(2003) and translated poets Gilles Cyr, Tahar Bekri and Serge Pey, among others.
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