John M. Bennett

Scuttled Luggage

luggage nest the soap lunch or lur
ch grass meal ah hot halfer )cho
ke( r maet the mast )l
oom( away entrance d chert c
lack ity crac ity mine dog hip

loot loot walks away the mud mas
ter smoke swirls on the sstteppss
my hung )lagke( smells the shitt st
link log cash )a float((( chews an
d eyes my heel rinsed air

droo led a cross the room th
e )moo n uts( ...b lank a way
c rash spit s inna mouth bea
k foam lower ]mon th[ e bean
snore pudd les of gl ass comb

teatless air dream muzz le d
otty bloat ed thigh list my
f lag aw ay numbly greased
me slali vrate c lung the em
pty w all ladder clasp scuttl es

Bucket Dog

the dog ear gate whoops page
lumen torque the sand cage
shadow in your suit nin puzzle
)the log bomb( past bark shot
drizzle in the fire a sleep team

sapon chert lens case of foam ah
neck bog )drink dri( nk bas
h felt the shat hat leaks a
storm in crown ed boat wa
llow field lizard locks the table

the run loop the pelt fog job
washer fan scald tube of
mist and corn the tub’s arf ren
t )hand( s cash slumber the
spine drifts toward subli mation

should crawl should read the t
ip nothing of gold diarrhea p
eel the cleft shirt the dome
buckled the last tent burned my
lapsing grunted in the soup bucket


my toothy humo sped your n
ames was bladder than a
phone single ,course pretending
fogsuit sugar .wet was I and
burning in the lakefire those eggs
and mouths of gnats )my ghost(
tantamount .or funneled folding
in my armpit like that sticky
toast ,burrito leaking paragraphs
was fought with flatulencia mi
s tunas stuffed inside my shorts
)de manera que me( abrí la
boca y )lo( librabaa

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