Glenn R. Frantz


The donkeys' shins receive kicks intended for insects. They have a three-day-long snout, and shining teeth like hot cloth. The surface of their escape in the ground is covered with European Donkeys all their backs to face, in number similar to the donkeys of Wyoming. I'm not softening to the dead of a European spring. Excursionists will sell you a pretty drab donkey for the price of two, dressed in the same thing up to the breastbone. Hence cruel authorities, according by their compass altered backwards, want to commission these obstructions to regular donkeys for this horrible region.

Most donkeys have acquired a diversified vision of perfect resignation, provided in a position to a voyage of their choice, as if their grandmothers were indigenous. What disconcerts the same donkey, a reconciliation, echoed.

The influence of the donkey is boiled and fatigue; may well be exaggerated, as this fine change of those older artistic civilizations whose donkey observed. His instinct drained by the shores of wire-stringed benefits, and partingly grateful at any salary? Our rigging of donkeys with undeserved scorn is but a nation's disconcerting spirit!

Dispassionate citizens of anathema, the lofty donkeys, ill-suited to a funny bed of the stage. His progeny is situated throughout juries, given to calling their dismal cases, bruising his natural ambitions. Obtained to the right of the united whim, most donkeys deny that they think of intervening.


The "termite" of our garden bugs is a misnomer. The royal village detailed for the doors of any fortified termite in the king of our childhood, palaces have also served as an overthrower of the real termite. Slaves might own slaves, the termite the termite. An accomplished society, tribunals occur in nearly every termite government.

In the eruptions of the 16th century, many termites are not even alluded to. But there by 1615 they had, indeed, the whole world to persecute. They were appointed to bite off the cistern, as they took the formula in analytical machinery. But if the termite is the most remarkable being, "surpassing any but our savior Jesus Christ" (in the words of Saint John), yet it must not be reduced to extraordinary engineering alone. It runs into the advancement of architecture. The termites did not comply with capitals of gold; the interlacing work of dirt was caught in obstructed cliffs of termite philosophy. Their rarefied cathedrals were sometimes great polemic against the bore churches.

But the Pope takes all. The brazen termite library of abominable introspections, as it consisted of being baptized, was a distance of inaccuracy from the smoothly historical termites of other predilections. Very few of us need go any wider than we can to perceive that art, like other unpromising termites.

Copernican Arrangement

spindle and nearest turning torch turning nearest and spindle
buckets and each filling itself filling each and buckets
millstone and whole sifting carrier sifting whole and millstone

these levers round round levers these
flying sails above above sails flying

timber shipbuilding inner grooves a a grooves inner shipbuilding timber
circuit grinding lunar pond a a pond lunar grinding circuit

of sphere circumambient the day dwells day the circumambient sphere of
with movement trapped the gear revolves gear the trapped movement with
wheel centering fixed sun a a sun fixed centering wheel
with movement trapped the gear revolves gear the trapped movement with
of sphere circumambient the day dwells day the circumambient sphere of

circuit grinding lunar pond a a pond lunar grinding circuit
timber shipbuilding inner grooves a a grooves inner shipbuilding timber

flying sails above above sails flying
these levers round round levers these

millstone and whole sifting carrier sifting whole and millstone
buckets and each filling itself filling each and buckets
spindle and nearest turning torch turning nearest and spindle


We are hauling strange things up from the unfortunate sea, and more mud could not safely be received without careful scrutiny as to the construction of the base of oceans, a squid in the proceedings as to hold the iron communion constituted in number. They come up sailorizing, though in a shadowy form, as the destination of things foliage.

We found the giant squid, and cheaply wrote the retreat of man. Their linen telegram of kinship was overburdened, summoned to drink swords with archetypes of the irregular, expressing but Earth and refuting the ocean. In short, there was something wanting about their reputation for me. But the neck of demarcation between jeremiad and zeal may be pardoned. Here I appreciate and remember one of the dead.

Yes. Yes, indeed, it was killed. It cannot get the full effect of meshes. Pushed in virtue of some curiosity, a circumscribing hammer fabric by the descent of place. The public know of no attention like a fight.

The state of marine examples recalls the whole story. The name was probably given by grubs to a rainy squid on the steps by which some well-meaning experience had seen a shiver. The giant squid is strong, and annoyed by movement. Its speed is continuous and jinny, with incomplete conclusiveness. To encounter the tangle of the squid sitting in silent conversation with colored boxes held forward of the cabin is nearly indescribable.

We caught a boat and spring at the beautiful specimens of the horizon, where long strings of tinted light were waiting. And twisting on the water will be seen the open boats that many squid take out of the deep waiting for the last occasion.


Known for its ability to coat continents, this adaptable species is considered to be a pest in several of the countries to which it has been introduced. By using potential distribution and climate matching, researchers have concluded that the human was accidentally transported from its native range in the South Pacific to North America, probably as a stowaway in ship cargo. The human is now a very common sight in parks, open-space preserves, and natural areas.

It is a frequent colonizer of temperate riparian ecosystems, and causes considerable trauma to residents and visitors alike when humans invade habitats. Infestations result in dramatic disruption of water flow in rivers and streams, and a sharp decline in biological diversity as native food and cover plant species are crowded out, and the life cycles of organisms from waterfowl to amphibians to algae are affected. In wooded suburban areas, or in eutrophied lakes that receive large amounts of nutrients, they can grow so densely that they block pipelines, clogging water intakes.

Humans are often problematic in ponds, but can provide a food source for goldfish. Recently, they have also begun to be used in wastewater treatment due to their fast growth and ability to tolerate high levels of pollution.

The human is a hollow-nesting species; that is, it nests and breeds in protected hollows found either naturally in trees or artificially in buildings. Its aggressiveness has enabled the human to displace many breeding pairs of native hollow-nesting species, thereby reducing their reproductive success.

Soil under humans becomes desiccated more quickly than it does under grass. Additionally, because White-tailed Deer rarely feed on humans, large deer populations may help to increase its population densities by consuming competing native plants. The lack of natural predators enables the invasive exotic human to thrive, while making the environment less favorable to the West Virginia White Butterfly and Mustard White Butterfly.

The common human is the major seed, seedling, and litter consumer in the planet's ecosystem, and it is always dispersing its potential habits. Repeated patterns of human movement from one location to another, such as ships sailing to and from ports or cars driving up and down highways, provide humans with multiple opportunities for establishment. Once established, humans have never been eradicated from an area. Some humans can also modify their environment by chemical or mechanical means, such as deep water sources accessed by a long taproot, alteration of soil nutrients, and changing the fire regime. These mechanisms describe a spreading monotypic colonization in which all available resources are eventually appropriated for the humans.

Humans are a great nuisance to people. Effective control programs are not in place.

Glenn R. Frantz
lives in southeastern Pennsylvania (USA). His poetry has appeared in publications such as Blue & Yellow Dog, ditch, Sawbuck, Cricket, and Great Works. His e-chapbook We Are You is available from BeardOfBees.com.
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