Raymond Farr
My Sanity Buzzes Just Like the Bees
Raymond Farr lives in Ocala, FL. His work appears in Otoliths, Cricket On Line Review, BlazeVox2k11, Counterexample Poetics, Letterbox, Ditch, The Argotist On Line, Cannot Exist, EOAGH, Moria, Out of Nothing, Clutching at Straws, Kill Author, Text Base, Xstream, Liebamour, Indefinite Space, Sugar Mule, Upstairs at Duroc, and/or, The MadHatter Review, Psychic Meatloaf, REM, Raft, & Apocryphal Text. He is the author of big strange wall, DRUNKER/holding ember, Variably Distorted Lad, all published by Blue &Yellow Dog Press, & ECSTATIC/.of facts, published by Otoliths. He has published one chap book, Two Hats Appear When Applauded, as part of the Dusie Kollective and two ebooks, Two Texts (Chalk Editions 2010) and chainge (Chalk Editions 2011). Raymond is the editor of Blue & Yellow Dog. For more info visit his blog http://mjonesrview.blogspot.com.
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My Sanity Buzzes Just Like the Bees
Ceramic Oriental duck so suave & soft stucco duck so suave. Our duck is in pawn, sd the fish. We take our time breathing in a platter of Peking duck & a side dish of duck a l’orange. We lag as our Duracells dim in our kitschy duck flashlights. Squish squish went the fish, sd the duck. Brains of Ovid, you’ve stolen my heart muscle. Now desire my duck. The little black dress of ducks is shedding its feathers. & on point, begets us Jerome. His sanity buzzes just like bees in a cave. He has gone fringe element as witnessed by the ducks. If he dies in the narrows just below Syracuse on the river…what shall become of his duck’s rusty Audi? If if is a flower we panic at lunch. Our work incomplete. Can’t you feel the hesitation. The bowling pin’s nightmare pauses on Radish St. No ending is possible. So it rolls & rolls around Radish St. & continues to roll until it strikes something solid. No masturbator has fingers like a wall flower duck. & then… the skepticism. In not ignorance. To a bring flower? In distorted petal. Bind which kind sir? You are legit. Of course you are. The mirror yelling: Let go if you must! & all our ducks in a row have less & less money to bring to the table or bring the house down. I’m hunting a metaphor! I am turning the tables into a sock hop. How are we to live with ourselves? Or in the shoes of the mute? The one edge we calibrate has nothing but edges. No center. No depth of field. I am never at home. I am the city caught in a maelstrom. The ducks never listen to JYO Joy 89 on their AM dial but drive the men in the duck blind mad. If we are the mute…If we are the ducks in the duck blind shooting ourselves for sport…If we mutter: 42nd St. is under construction, who shall refuse paying it forward? The impossible balloon landed on meat. I was reading Crime & Punishment (the large print edition) & suffered like Jezebel as she let down her tresses. I was going nowhere in a hurry. I hurried up like a moose or a duck. I was the eek eek of a mouse trapped by a traffic cop. The quack quack of a duck cooking an omelet. I was just sitting there killing time that’s elapsed. Like a hazelnut in root beer, I split into four selfless factions, silly as glue in the mouth of a taffy apple. & the sun was a word I mistook for an ego. It sat like an elegant hat. It sat on my brow. I was going nowhere in particular. It’s crazy I know. & then I was there—this place of nowhere in particular-- the ice tunnel, the lovers’ tunnel-- & I couldn’t get free. I felt I was a 2 or something brittle. Description defaulted as I brought up the rear. My subject in neutral. Nowhere appeared six BLUE. But revved its motor. The wood & the glue on the bird lovers’ mouth split the once level playing field into my place & yours. & lacking a python or a target on my back I stood up & I laughed. I scorned every one of them. But I kept getting the same answer again & again. I kept getting lost in the pictures whose shadows are faces. I haven’t a parakeet. A green item jogs past us. & still the music bubbles, effervesces: water yogurt dept. milk wired…water yogurt dept. milk wired. & then a smaller can of Campbell’s soup fell from the shelf casting dispersions. I cleared the phlegm from my throat & stood in the bread aisle convinced I had held in my teeth the meaning of life. One inch or I’ll drop it. I was meting the world, tine after tine, with Occupied Space. & grey across meat was a wrecked distraction of meat & blogging a duck. A sky without gloaming sent flares shooting past us. Our heads, turning away from the source of the explosion, turned in slo-mo. I wanted to dance upon water-flecked light but this was expected. The starry machines of night derided me. I felt inhuman & powerful. My mental body was ghostly illumined— a balloon… a grey meat of something. |
Raymond Farr lives in Ocala, FL. His work appears in Otoliths, Cricket On Line Review, BlazeVox2k11, Counterexample Poetics, Letterbox, Ditch, The Argotist On Line, Cannot Exist, EOAGH, Moria, Out of Nothing, Clutching at Straws, Kill Author, Text Base, Xstream, Liebamour, Indefinite Space, Sugar Mule, Upstairs at Duroc, and/or, The MadHatter Review, Psychic Meatloaf, REM, Raft, & Apocryphal Text. He is the author of big strange wall, DRUNKER/holding ember, Variably Distorted Lad, all published by Blue &Yellow Dog Press, & ECSTATIC/.of facts, published by Otoliths. He has published one chap book, Two Hats Appear When Applauded, as part of the Dusie Kollective and two ebooks, Two Texts (Chalk Editions 2010) and chainge (Chalk Editions 2011). Raymond is the editor of Blue & Yellow Dog. For more info visit his blog http://mjonesrview.blogspot.com.
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