Adam Aitken
Languedoc Jelly
My dear Tonto,
Liaison is forbidden
in certain adjective-noun
but there are exceptions.
Sometimes, to makes a connection
one silences the gap,
or inserts the unwritten sign,
in French I mean,
if not Potawatomi.
Even your horse
would understand that.
After a while the sounds run in
to each other, or don’t;
the way my buddies used to
before they had babies
or got shot.
Now there’s Languedoc Jelly:
a free ‘coworking’ event
for coworkers who co-lunch.
Bring a laptop, book, filing.
It’s down over in the colony, so
they all speak Pidjin.
Yeah I know, I know
it does shame us Tonto, but.
Put away the weapon now, Wild One
we’re all talking and a deal’s
in progress. A poetic
creative practice.
I knows what I would prefer
where I want to work.
An’ who I wanna work with.
Seeking friends now
seeking an English-speaking association,
but when was the last time
I did any business, any
and watched the view make stars
with you?
Adam Aitken lives in Sydney. He teaches writing and English as a Second Language. His last chapbook was Tonto's Revenge (Tinfish Press, Honolulu 2011)
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Languedoc Jelly
My dear Tonto,
Liaison is forbidden
in certain adjective-noun
but there are exceptions.
Sometimes, to makes a connection
one silences the gap,
or inserts the unwritten sign,
in French I mean,
if not Potawatomi.
Even your horse
would understand that.
After a while the sounds run in
to each other, or don’t;
the way my buddies used to
before they had babies
or got shot.
Now there’s Languedoc Jelly:
a free ‘coworking’ event
for coworkers who co-lunch.
Bring a laptop, book, filing.
It’s down over in the colony, so
they all speak Pidjin.
Yeah I know, I know
it does shame us Tonto, but.
Put away the weapon now, Wild One
we’re all talking and a deal’s
in progress. A poetic
creative practice.
I knows what I would prefer
where I want to work.
An’ who I wanna work with.
Seeking friends now
seeking an English-speaking association,
but when was the last time
I did any business, any
and watched the view make stars
with you?
Adam Aitken lives in Sydney. He teaches writing and English as a Second Language. His last chapbook was Tonto's Revenge (Tinfish Press, Honolulu 2011)
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