John Pursch

Bulkhead Fever

Wooden soil climbs shifting knolls to transom glades, effacing shellfish donnybrooks to interview the Queen with failsafe grout and sticky auctioneering pints, graven in pure honey. When dunderheads pursue impassive acts of limping fish, musty clearings clamor, warbling aboard squeezed tartan mischief, heeding herbivorous anchormen.

Whether groggy estuaries primp forensic sheep in triplicate, chewy facemask umlauts steal impetuous chemical tweed, hobbling the rowboat, blown from grainy casting calls in holy hooded sturgeon pounds. Latchkey rhomboids chuck herpetic anklets, conversing over stewed rebellion, posited from phobic agriculture’s waning economic phrase.

Equatorial gumdrops grimace within, glazing lopsided metric tirades with newly warmed saliva, decanted and swerving. Paltry bailiffs justify the bellhop’s belfry fetish, squabbling under staircase skewers. Pangs of loutish diplomats imbue extolling chieftains, hording hoarse omens for shaved weeping, loiterers be daubed with placating sheaves of strewn repeating surf, ominous in dishrag opulence.

Crushing forward chestnuts into drawings of a rooming horse, sneezes canter gracefully beyond amnesia’s plentiful decline, sacking weekend elders with masthead chicken spruce guffaws, chasing upstart ewes to stork environs.

Fireside hatters, unblinkered for Bastille Day, enjoin the aristocracy to cross the rubicund gander’s flexible nose with sealing wax, chopping binder mints to training goblets, hoping to tranquilize a lung’s lusty chill. Aft notaries crumple, sans bulkhead fever, merrily out of almond ingots, chafed to seizing petals, fleshing out a long-stemmed turnip’s coot.

Squibuckle Tremp

Empendocular eramitous ooge,
acquien fumile teramigatory sponsular frolg
cemeraphiot quen whartie ortubular moun carile,
esplon tumular roudescient proxtar whem queedgle.

Whouble crob derouten mockt cemtian
ermantiphous bronian mouloniosch eflaunt,
frib extrulage herbovacular preincoas trepamie anst.

Spentie popsal quegramilon timie hogspatch,
utre spielonch enhoftien verul chemble
womadulore aspian pheltrod squibuckle tremp.

Bloxt undspicktie phrem whoggle cran tuplery
gwahn teloutest mounchian oxtardian horamiet,
crixon snillior bremiphulop pluregium slatum,
fieriem hoarscopple greinscolding
whemer bruel orchian flogh.

Indigenous Motifs

Whence vault wiggly rhomboidal news items, fiercely squandering prestidigitation, pawning fronds of foundry shirkers, towed into surging hives of beatific hours? Quips devour graceful enchantresses, smiling at teapots from pine cones atop vintage nuptials, hollowed out from tubular ligation’s smitten heather.

Shaven to sidling tomes, paginal umbrage nimbly humbles effusive waistcoats, trebling the hortatory semblance of flouted dishrag chords, disregarding garrisons of spicy veal. Who can cover incipient taste tests, stewing inner basement welds into chase scenes gone stellar, heaving frocked regret aboard a sailor’s arching penultimate lunge?

Warbling styrene handkerchiefs appeal to legitimated tigress fuel, foraging amid theoretical underwear for pretzel hedges, encapsulating toothache crooners in floozy squeaks. Reeking of attic lagoons, caressed giraffes endear carousing imitations of curt doughboys to simmering wrenches on leave from turnstile fashion plays, simplifying downtown graphics, lending atomic crooks a namesake’s mellow angel fish.

Hearts imply swollen sleeve quartets in gerbil prayers, prating on about erectile juice bars and blenders of the cataclysmic nightstand’s shady crow. Droves of leaflet spenders prowl the antic city, licking somnambulists in obviated tundra clearings, galvanized with plastic hairnet gowns.

Evenly summered quotations ruffle specious chromium whodunits, whisking away a feral audible, flossing the play clock with Easy-Bake hooves. Dressage reports to aquiline fluorescence, daubing grapevine yellow beneath an eyelash, widowing a melon’s innocent grinder.

Estuaries slough offal into scrolling riverbed fleas, descending through grouped saxophone lyrics, honing a laudatory crone’s cheesy flatulence to crepe musicians in a boggy brownstone doorway. Stepmothers exacerbate misty jungle bayou steam, flooding a porous skein with estimated pock marks, graphed against pickled beef.

Reapers eke out magnanimous chemise cheroots, flint peanuts, gravel ululators, sworn sebaceous louts, stammering octopi, plenary cooties, smudged pangs, fumes of hatched mumblings, predilection’s stark munificence, remunerated enumeration, diligent dilettantes, idling ambassadors, smugly nugatory sweeties, hostile lumberjack meals, throbbing hot toddies, egg chuggers in ironic leggings, prudent auxiliaries, whacked donut hauls, primrose funnels, caked dirigibles in wheelhouse blues, cardigan trellis marts, antipodes of medial collateral burrowed wheat, scarified teamwork, wok assemblage, histrionic plagiarism, eastern bowlers, pompous capsizers, indigenous motifs…

John Pursch lives in Tucson, Arizona. His work has appeared in many online literary journals. His most recent book, Intunesia, is available in paperback from White Sky Books at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/whiteskybooks. Follow @johnpursch on Twitter or subscribe/friend john.pursch on Facebook.
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