Maria Garcia Teutsch

Whore Son
         poems in response to the underlined sections of Jean Genet’s The Balcony

The Thief

puts his hands on

her velvet pants, filches.

Silk friction on metal

zipper sparks resistance.

Stolen in a whirl

of second hands.

Mme. Irma

eyes them through

tiny glass. A secret

theatre of flowers

in a sunset leer.

A smile is disaster,

love, a catastrophe.

The General

is a chandelier reflection

of a red-haired vixen

pretending to be a horse

leading a hearse.

Button up the wind—

death holds its breath,

wears red patent-

leather boots.

Maria Garcia Teutsch is a poet, teacher and editor. She has two chapbooks; Pussy (Henry Miller Library 2013) and Chronicles of Violence (Henry Miller Library 2012), For more please go to www.marialoveswords.com.
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