Katrinka Moore

Nest (rose)

Nest (coral)

Nest (bone)


                                              circle spiral                                whorl of hawk                                over the unmown                 field / scattering                 day birds forage                                seeds / rusty wild-                                flowers milkweed                                down / circle spiral                                swerve / tug the center                 to the periphery / edge                 of chaos / no line to                                separate is and could                                               be / circle spiral                                swerve / head off                                somewhere / feet                                on earth / universe                                               all over skin / whole                                regions (uneven                                boundaries) of                                the world unseen

Katrinka Moore's latest poetry book, Numa, is just out from Aqueduct Press. http://www.aqueductpress.com/books/Numa-Vol38.php
Poems and artwork from Numa appeared in Otoliths 18, 19, 23, and 32.
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