Jeff Harrison

Actaeon ungathered‏

A field of Actaeon, and who is to gather him? A hunter a hart, what then -- what now -- is a hound? Gather me to you, what hound soever -- what even so soever -- the all of Actaeon is yours, I deny your fellows even the least. You, also, deny your fellows even the least, and we are ours.

Actaeon restored

I feel she may push her way through the pack and deal with me kindly. For the hounds, remorse, suitable, suitable; for Actaeon, restoration. A trial as any other, less severe than others, a trial, a warning, instruction, gift. Actaeon restored, and imagine a hunter mightier, unimaginable, unimaginable.

Of Fell Hounds

The foremost jumps Actaeon, and what hound more fell, unless that hound were the brach of the fount, snappish yet, and afar.

The Gargaphie Nymphs‏

A nymph is unknown to Phrensy, and who made known to many a nymph the view, persistent as pulse, of a fawn swathed in porphyry? A fox is known to Phrensy, a fox, a hound, a queen is known to Phrensy till she cries out, what fawn has known porphyry, a queen, a hound, a fox are known to Phrensy, and from whom the view of porphyry to many a nymph, when a nymph is unknown to Phrensy?

Jeff Harrison has poems in all the issues of Otoliths except the second issue. He has publications from Writers Forum, MAG Press, Persistencia Press, White Sky Books, and Furniture Press. He has e-books from BlazeVOX, xPress(ed), Argotist Ebooks, and Chalk Editions. His poetry has appeared in An Introduction to the Prose Poem (Firewheel Editions), The Hay(na)ku Anthology Vol. II (Meritage Press), The Chained Hay(na)ku Project (Meritage Press), Sentence: a Journal of Prose Poetics, Xerography, Moria, Calibanonline, Coconut, unarmed, Eccolinguistics, Moss Trill, Sugar Mule, and elsewhere, such as Tin Lustre Mobile. He has an interview blog with Allen Bramhall called Antic View.
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