Felino A. Soriano
from a wearing of light
Felino A. Soriano is a poet documenting coöccurrences. His poetic language stems from exterior motivation of jazz music and the belief in language’s unconstrained devotion to broaden understanding. His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net anthologies. Recent poetry collections include Of isolated limning, Mathematics, Espials, watching what invents perception, and Of these voices. He edits the online journal, Of/with: journal of immanent renditions. He lives in California with his wife and family and is a director of supported living and independent living programs providing supports to adults with developmental disabilities. Visit felinoasoriano.info for more information.
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from a wearing of light
Thrust from Something assembled slanted. A something of a shadow’s verbal praise. About behavior, nothing is earned is a fabricated dissection of the holder’s internal modification. Sleep does this. Why awaken well when day’s double-handed hold always resembles noon. Changes burn their pockets, leaving what leaves whole a diameter of a damaged garden. Spectral A breath stretched its skeletal sound. Its corporeal state, altered, renaming. Man does this, developing ideology of selective façade. Something becomes altered following the hand’s evil speculation. Language designs beyond what predetermined miracle delves into gradating an eventual improvisation of sound and mobile dexterity. I’ve seen dragonflies examine blur as thesis confirmation. The good eye researches factual alphabets confirming duality of already splayed and unorganized plurals. Tiredness of static smallness portends a trend furthering the baseline behavior of why aloneness leads to remembering. An importance of ascertaining portrait Rice grain tumbling between grace of finger -thumb aspect, configuring sensation of frictional elaboration, paralleling a painter’s release of idea into fruition of composite simile, accurate delve amid conscious exertion. Nothing collimates water’s frequency of burying apparitions. Of what became following death of the oscillating food, what replaces color when hands donate ghosts in return for angled trickery, assaultive implication? Eclectic The formulation of fingerprints and glaze interacting on a window’s elder physique. Nuance can never fully emphasize a wholeness’ predetermined architecture. In pre-knowing symmetry I resemble light foremost amid morning’s slow push into varying angular hours and flailing misconceptions. And music informs me —as does a calligraphic crow indenting to remove margins of systems’ hierarchy of closed hands and fleeing from diversions of blurred adaptations —holding flame furthers the palm’s designated purpose and expanding recollection toward providing hold inward …figuring dexterity of searching confirms trio of signaling apparitional momentums i. praising wind with wishing verbs to confiscate elation from the watcher whose permission to conceal enables mentalities of follow and forget applicable systems of unremoved deliberation ii. composing text from perspectives of purposeful openness—collecting permissive data from the mirror’s meandering tongue, tonal and accentuated among an hour’s elongated fathom iii. [possessing] watercolor trees processing spring’s diligence to entertain bridges of ongoing collocation— what wanders is the eventual finale of improvising shape and allegorical elation What becomes from unknowing An error occurred amid recognizing blur. The alphabet of untruth misspoke into drawing of a curtained flame too undervalued to provide sedentary purpose. This is where light wades into a wandering quiet near where movement means the body’s premise is a written theory of prosaic division from rhythm’s devotional collaborations. Again, the eye is absent. This means language is not yet invented awaiting tongues to mangle the innocence of desire. Layers rely on introverted bouquets to splay, comprehended. When death is the cyclic mention of needing. An answer dictates each hand’s rendition of manipulating vision’s etiquette of nuanced invitation. My wondering of mirages’ foundational hum, the hearing of how a wing looks with focal examination exploring diversion more so as gift than the permissive disposition of wind’s softened approach to parenting grass’ earliest threat to cut into angular clarity. Dexterous appearances i. where the ocean watches launch—(mirrors reenact their own inventions through visual echoes) too, among spirals of dangling sayings learned watchers use reach to perform what the memory’s residue calls on to engage an hour’s consistent relapse in portending obedience ii. Couriers mention they’ve lost their way. (The body releases burden.) Cannot, —in varied contextual allowances. I heard an underestimate of language tainting value. The moment of malleable truth expands into reconfigured otherness. Philosophy. My wondering of the kaleidoscopic moth—the tonal recreation of painted absquatulation. iii. walking paths: mundane instead: flight precision: a fabricated nuance of cultural influence instead: improvise purpose: intuitive explanations of the mind’s bending pathway instead: react thus, with meaning of autonomous secrecy, the body believes and ignites amid causational configuration
Felino A. Soriano is a poet documenting coöccurrences. His poetic language stems from exterior motivation of jazz music and the belief in language’s unconstrained devotion to broaden understanding. His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net anthologies. Recent poetry collections include Of isolated limning, Mathematics, Espials, watching what invents perception, and Of these voices. He edits the online journal, Of/with: journal of immanent renditions. He lives in California with his wife and family and is a director of supported living and independent living programs providing supports to adults with developmental disabilities. Visit felinoasoriano.info for more information.
Felino--these are excellent work! Awe inspiring. My best compliment for work like tnis is--I wish I had written them! Hazzzar! Kudos! Congrats!
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