John Pursch

Helm Street Blueberry

Weed wood light to post,
blunt scans of naughty
everyday steeples
glom retinue to float thinly.

Drawn pie buttered etymology
threw diction’s hairy sapience
of graphed impassioned sagebrush keys
to mincing miner headlamp flies
to smothered margin salients
of seaside ratio infringement
grotto pelican philately.

Pumping elegant
aphasia seekers
conceal tea ladled
canonical secretions
of Sunken Ole Slumpie

(the fodder of hourly gum trees,
lined florist workdays,
and Helm Street blueberry,
peed in part by mentally
audacious heirs),

swallowing only swan
of mangy maundy commas,
messy colons,
stalled flop peerage bots,
nose cone dandy concubines
of concupiscent overload
in haywire vestiges.

Blurry Ouch Hysteria

Halls mossy flounder stippling punt,
bandy noggin Kuwaiti bridgehead
clover flake canals in barstool
Seder destitution murrain,
flopping bubbled track side curios
to peat a coupled tweener,
hauled forth starkly
feathered lung-clop
deserted putt pewter
fulcrum carpenter slant.

Same house marooned
hair song frozen fire land,
sway par howdy Trudi,
Jane of Smutty Cork style,
same what hover martyr,
helm host spurtingly deep
cavitated guy tea
Chaperoned Easy-Quaker
Glove ‘n Clover Inhaler
Trappist Shop Talk Esmeralda

(wince castaway abandoned
fury lust on low and freed
gently wet slam choral baton
in misty spillage blurry ouch hysteria,
swaddled seven eye canoe parry too lug
mine heist surrounding dime do speed,
had leash snobby tipsy groovy lifetime).

John Pursch lives in Tucson, Arizona. Twice nominated for Best of the Net, his work has appeared in many literary journals. His lit-rap video is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l33aUs7obVc. A collection of his poetry, Intunesia, is available at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/whiteskybooks. He’s @johnpursch on Twitter and john.pursch on Facebook.
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