Sanjeev Sethi


Mid sentence we leave others
and sometime ourselves.
Ample is silenced in the said.
Human minefields as emblems
of expression many times
shy away from microphones.
It is incorrect to salute
visuals for certitude.
Verities are also held in wrappers.
Each snivel does not
have an embedment.
Narratives borrow their nibs
from the brokering houses of heritage.
In these shambles a few persevere.
Folk tales recite their rituals.


Their fopperies are innocent
almost seraphic.
Consumed by compensating
the self for stains,
patented by cosmic preening,
they extend their polari
to aesthetics with devotion
of a boy scout’s drill.
Unknown to them
faculties of favored few
converge at the fount of fertility
condensing streams of sapid
flashes into statuesque forms.
Their style is in the satchel.

The recently released, This Summer and That Summer, (Bloomsbury) is Sanjeev Sethi’s third book of poems. His work also includes the well-received volumes, Nine Summers Later and Suddenly For Someone. He has, at various phases of his career, written for newspapers, magazines, and journals. He has produced radio and television programs. His poems have appeared in many journals, in both India and abroad.

He lives in Mumbai.
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