Steve Dalachinsky
Poet/collagist Steve Dalachinsky was born in Brooklyn after the last big war and has managed to survive lots of little wars. His book The Final Nite (Ugly Duckling Presse) won the PEN Oakland National Book Award. His most recent books are Fools Gold (2014 feral press), a superintendent's eyes (revised and expanded 2013 - unbearable/ autonomedia) and flying home, a collaboration with German visual artist Sig Bang Schmidt (Paris Lit Up Press 2015). His latest cd is The Fallout of Dreams with Dave Liebman and Richie Beirach (Roguart 2014). His poem “Particle Fever” was nominated for a 2015 Pushcart Prize. Forthcoming from Overpass Press The Invisible Ray, with artwork by Shalom Neuman.
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“the laboratory for a new education”
- a poemessay on lászló maholy-nagy - future present
he is the curve of the consequential
(w)holed arch/angle
din/can in the most quiet of postures
revolving well modulator
black underground astrality
oral sense of movement
sun where it comes from
space akup katapulting its
opposites / how the snakes form their
ity such declarative clarity
within the insides of inner
space z
special realities of cod I fi ca tion
dotted pallet of universal schematic DOTDOTDOTODT
incredible folding into the glass as it flexes
wrinkled layers upon wrinkled shadows
within wrinkled transparency
crink the wavery meltup
the difficulty of (per)plex-impasse
embrassed within the efforts of war
effects of ability within vibration-shaped flaws
inc/pretractions interactions
& perfections of such flaws
as the floor itself becomes bubble
(the nuclear lather of context) / content
(apotheosis?) - anti-apocalyptic gesture
because he can do it and think it
the ball that reflects outer events of internal layers of facts
heating the material until we are looking within distorted mirrors
plasticity of flesh
data de/compiled
the illusion of layers where light becomes its own
transient ghost
la squigamenté en da igglewarp
suspending breath while suspended on both sides of the eye
“a mixture….possible only through creation itself”
scratch recto / verso
using what cannot be manmade
but what can be harnessed by the science of art & its service to the “REAL”
aside: she is so beautiful & her curves bent by my now dried sweat
are outfitted with the youth one gains with loss…
a twisted hole
in the double loop
mystery light shadow transparency these are repeated over & over again
vehicles for choreographed luminosity “vision in motion)((((( >
me to myself: “he’s great i’ve always loved his work & feel honored to be viewing so much of it.”
ripped a gram of comp position of GESAMPT WORK –
the whole MAN - einer elecktrishen - loose organic space lobsters -
eccentric architektur - SPACE - composed in re[pose
CPL 4 CH for Y CH for R1 L & CH CH7 CH BEATA modulator modulator
Mobius unraveled / enchained - repose in motion
quivering city its million icicles lit by meshes vision form composure
the tinsel & glamour of NEW YORK
LICHTrequisit variations RH picture CH 14B tightliness CH space 5 CH 4
a new vision a vision in motion
if “unity of art can be established…then a real reconstruction of this world can be
hoped for…more balanced and less dangerous.” CHB 3 Konstruktion AL6
schaf erkennt unfiltered light “spatial kinetics” SIL 2 L3
“blurs vision between material & immaterial” “light & pigment fused into a new unity”
Perg 1 SIL 1 La Sarraz SRHO1 aluminum 5 sequestered tweed
pneumatic profile quickly away scaling the escalator
ketten laden DOORS aberleg wer offene
TP 5 TP 2 duel individuelle G7a gala/lith(e) schematic grau
workers in union with the marriage of vision P27 OP motion incised LICHTSPIEL
T & Z VI A XXV AXL II A19 s(tr)and G5
leaning into her self-portrait the little girl sings WORK WORKWORK WORK
without ever saying the words WORK WORK WORK WORK
MA (today) MA (the space between the things) liberated yet vulnerable
the present AGE
(to) PROP chlampsglas
in the room of the present upon the problem of new content
we must in order to understand the present…TEMPO
transform urges from the past
evolutionary currents of growth OR
as the past & the present penetrate one another
as the past & the present … thus having changed their very essence
Finf(i)eld M(a)Y
the perp(e) of the inclusion
M stamped on the palm
GELBER Q XXI Q XX circle segments Der Strum
chain metal BROOM
glass spiral saaaaaaaaaah
conveyance bicyclist
eccentric E IV circle segments A XX EMAILLE 1 EMAILLE 2 AII Z VIII Z VII Z IX
kreis und schwarzen KONSTUKTION 7 A IX
(farewell edifice of the world with your city lights}
farewell beautiful young leda
farewell swarm
slide between heaven & earth for to learn you have to bend
this is the law of the series
Q Q Q Q Q & we begin & end with the hand.
Guggenheim Museum nyc 8/16/16
The Portuguese Letters first letter in paradise astonished by the resistant mountains she in tight frock & turmoil confesses; my Adam in the dark world despair insanity useless longing my own desolation i perceive your indifference shame neglect betrayal i gave myself fully nothing left the alter candle burning to its bottom my sorrow bottomless in my room confined within the heavy air of your LOVE. abandoned second letter if you suffered in the storm my stormy suffering is thrice my concern for you boundless as the sea pain delight passion exploited by your gentleness i swayed & swooned like a ship tricked by my desires & by your limitless grace tears sighs miserable death born to this to this i stay blind leading myself toward sleep awakened & nourished by your cruelty. horse rider hate honor surrender my court martialed heart would that i could tear it from my chest deserter that it is & dispatch it to you as remnant. i see your impatience here take it and be gone. third letter she wears her words like skin her skin thin as the partch she writes on you hold me in your hands & read me she can no longer separate her love her hate her complaint her suffering tyranny of the senses despair his eyes she addresses them from the balcony they envelope her she is stamped & sealed by her longing her poignant flagilation oh poor woman insight shortsight cruel separation violent search salvationfateinflicted tears i wait for my heart to return fourth letter returned to reality yet so removed from it all i envision your escapades as you escape around the globe oh sweet sailor traveler voyager harvester of hollow promise i’d only myself to contend with and til now had forgone all truth who are you what do you seek with your flimsy excuses alone in my unhappiness with no one to share my burden loser I who gave you so much was it not fill enough? what am i what do i do what do i want i love you madly madness madness transfered if your pain were as great i would surely die adieu sacrifice ingratitude lose adieu i have surely not loved you enough fuck me til i see the light once more oh empty page oh boring repetition adieu begone i lie begone would that we had never met i lie i die of grief not yet a poor crazed creature sane before we touched adieu mourn for me for the lost tranquility i now dispise another year adieu the moment grows. fifth letter
take the portrait the bracelets the letters ( i will keep but 2 to remind me ) you win i am convinced you don’t love i won’t love fini se fini i should have destroyed them all but they’re yours have them back tokens they serve only to reinforce my own passion which i have become so attached to not you oh not you the spell you cast is broken the clouds over my eyes are gone
Poet/collagist Steve Dalachinsky was born in Brooklyn after the last big war and has managed to survive lots of little wars. His book The Final Nite (Ugly Duckling Presse) won the PEN Oakland National Book Award. His most recent books are Fools Gold (2014 feral press), a superintendent's eyes (revised and expanded 2013 - unbearable/ autonomedia) and flying home, a collaboration with German visual artist Sig Bang Schmidt (Paris Lit Up Press 2015). His latest cd is The Fallout of Dreams with Dave Liebman and Richie Beirach (Roguart 2014). His poem “Particle Fever” was nominated for a 2015 Pushcart Prize. Forthcoming from Overpass Press The Invisible Ray, with artwork by Shalom Neuman.
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