Mark Cunningham

[future word]

__________.1. the shift in meaning between phrases or terms used to indicate the same object,
               state, etc., as in that between to keep silent and to be quiet. 2. the ratio of the lateral strain
               to the longitudinal strain in a stretched rod. 3. an irregularity or wave formation caused
               by persistent winds on a snow surface.

[future word]

__________. 1. In coding theory, the number of non-zero digits in a word. It is numerically
               identical with the Hamming distance between the word in question and the zero word.
               2. the average number of times that a caller will get only an answering machine before he
               or she leaves a message or stops calling.

[future word]

__________. 1. a region in a semiconductor that has a lower-than-usual number of mobile charge
               carriers. 2. a person who would rather purchase an item at a physical store than order it
               online. 3. a life-long fan of a permanently mediocre sports team.

[future word]

__________. 1. incongruity between the actual and expected result of events. 2. loose thread.
               3. not private.

[future word]

__________. 1. the process of treating a film base with a light-absorbing substance to prevent
               refraction of light from the rear of the film. 2. a low-growing, creeping plant, Arctotheca
, used as a ground cover in warm climates. 3. the days marked off the calendar late,
               because you forgot to turn to the new month. 4. the part of the redshift of celestial objects
               resulting from the expansion of the universe.

[future word]

__________. 1. to pluck or shave your eyebrows so that they form two distinct eyebrows rather
               than one mono-brow. 2. the separation of electric charges that accompanies the shattering
               of water drops. 3. to consider each member of a pair of dice separately; to roll only one of
               a pair of dice. 4. the belief that you will have a good time after you get off work.

[future word]

__________. 1. fluid flow in which each particle follows the precise path of its predecessors; an
               essential feature of such flow is that there is no mixing of adjacent layers of fluid. 2. to
               light a new cigarette using the still-lit end of the one nearly consumed. 3. a cord worn by
               Hindus of the upper castes as a sign of being twice-born or initiated into the Vedas.

[future word]

__________. 1. a fruit or vegetable genetically modified to produce sterile seeds. 2. a person
               who is convinced that the world ceases to exist when he or she goes to sleep.

[future word]

__________. 1. to look at an object and to hear, in his or her voice, what a former loved one
               would have said about it. 2. a measure of the reflecting power of a surface, being the
               fraction of the incident radiation (total or monochromatic) that is reflected by a surface.
               3. a binary star system in which one star has expanded to the extent that its outer layers are
               pulled away by the gravitational attraction of the companion star. 4. a dampening mechanism
               for collecting oscillations in plasmas. 5. plural of you.

[future word]

__________. 1. thermoforming of plastic sheeting over an open mold by a combination of
               gravity and a vacuum. 2. one in a sequence. 3. a poem in which the poet recants
               something said in an earlier poem. 4. a cyprinid fish, Exoglossum maxillingua, of
               northeastern U. S. coastal waters, having a three-lobed lower lip.

Otoliths has published two books by Mark Cunningham, 80 Beetles and Helicotremors. 71 Leaves, an e-book from BlazeVOX, is free to anyone curious enough to Google it.
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