Daniel Y. Harris
from The Tryst of Thetica Zorg
Exergue II
Hacktivists use Ogg Vorbis with falbalas as FTPs,
when wearing Guy Fawkes masks at the Musée des miniatures
et décors de cinéma. Norsefire is picked for the impostume
they stock in the Gunpowder Plot. Quiese the throb?
The tryst legitimates itself by contemptus historia
and undercrofts beneath the Imps. Risqué errata include
peripeteia, Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,
IPPROTO_TCP) and retrogradatio cruciata. Critics recede
with a cistercian pallor. Neolibs and altrights
take selfies, body-shame Gregor, trolling his sophistry.
Arachnophiliacs, a.k.a. Dark Dante and a.k.a. cOmrade toss
DDOS API Script PHP into pastebins. Ostranenie tactics,
shy just six degrees, are allotelic. Gregor’s Die Verwandlung
uploads a sauvage ungeziefer symbol rate ≤ gross bit
as Nyquist mise-en-scene or do pushed pins pullulate,
valued at 12.5 bitcoins per block? Influencers who pose
as kleptocratic mistkäfers, accuse plugins. Gregor
doubles back as The Carbuncle Fairy, dead tissue, pus
and garnet tiara launches a zero-day attack
on the Ichthyophagi. Poke Khidr.
Exergue III
Khôra saunters in browser tabs, thotcrated, 2-byte
big-endian integer buffering catamnesis and the rarest-veinèd
unraveller. Puerility’s a bitch, lifts lacunas, not ennui as trivium
mode. Get highpass switch debouncers to tweet
divinatio. There’s a timestamp value, 666 GHz bandwidth.
Search rootkit for strncpy(Aa stegomalware and eruditio myths.
Khôra’s clichés are neutrinos with a thermal source
3/2 kTν, fall below mνc2, at our expiry. No plunderphonia yet,
nor relay outputs or low-loss mating. Void Bomb(){HWND
hwnd; char Notepad[MAX_PATH]=”notepad.exe.”
Converters overflow. Per fare una leggiadra sua vendetta.
We accrue archontic power, refusing the secernere. High five
αἰτία, aitia, “cause”; and -λογία, -logia. Etiology chafes
against the motherboard’s diphthong grit. This principia
garbles her hypostases. She overhears Gregor miming
Linnaeus’ botanical taxonomy, eats the Opticks. A cappella
or shiva red? Donna Mi Prega, Khôra. Our loci is the foci,
jocose. Yours, scourges over Albion. Leaks,
when we vaunt, keep the seal. The Imps exact mercy.
Phynance produces pschitt over clay stoups. To quote
the Fors Clavigera, Mr. Rhadamanthus is the rewarder,
Gregor imposter, fondling codices, prised up.
Daniel Y. Harris is the author of 11 collections of poetry and collaborative writing including The Rapture of Eddy Daemon (BlazeVOX, 2016), heshe egregore (with Irene Koronas, Éditions du Cygne, 2016), The Underworld of Lesser Degrees (NYQ Books, 2015), Esophagus Writ (with Rupert M. Loydell, The Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2014), Hyperlinks of Anxiety (Červená Barva Press, 2013), The New Arcana (with John Amen, NYQ Books, 2012) and Paul Celan and the Messiah’s Broken Levered Tongue (with Adam Shechter, Červená Barva Press, 2010; picked by The Jewish Forward as one of the 5 most important Jewish poetry books of 2010). Some of his poetry, experimental writing, art, and essays have been published in BlazeVOX, The Café Irreal, Denver Quarterly, E·ratio, European Judaism, Exquisite Corpse, Kerem, The New York Quarterly, Notre Dame Review, In Posse Review, The Pedestal Magazine, Poetry Magazine, Poetry Salzburg Review, Stride, Ygdrasil and Zeek. He is the Editor-in-Chief of X-Peri, http://x-peri.blogspot.com/
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from The Tryst of Thetica Zorg
Exergue II
Hacktivists use Ogg Vorbis with falbalas as FTPs,
when wearing Guy Fawkes masks at the Musée des miniatures
et décors de cinéma. Norsefire is picked for the impostume
they stock in the Gunpowder Plot. Quiese the throb?
The tryst legitimates itself by contemptus historia
and undercrofts beneath the Imps. Risqué errata include
peripeteia, Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,
IPPROTO_TCP) and retrogradatio cruciata. Critics recede
with a cistercian pallor. Neolibs and altrights
take selfies, body-shame Gregor, trolling his sophistry.
Arachnophiliacs, a.k.a. Dark Dante and a.k.a. cOmrade toss
DDOS API Script PHP into pastebins. Ostranenie tactics,
shy just six degrees, are allotelic. Gregor’s Die Verwandlung
uploads a sauvage ungeziefer symbol rate ≤ gross bit
as Nyquist mise-en-scene or do pushed pins pullulate,
valued at 12.5 bitcoins per block? Influencers who pose
as kleptocratic mistkäfers, accuse plugins. Gregor
doubles back as The Carbuncle Fairy, dead tissue, pus
and garnet tiara launches a zero-day attack
on the Ichthyophagi. Poke Khidr.
Exergue III
Khôra saunters in browser tabs, thotcrated, 2-byte
big-endian integer buffering catamnesis and the rarest-veinèd
unraveller. Puerility’s a bitch, lifts lacunas, not ennui as trivium
mode. Get highpass switch debouncers to tweet
divinatio. There’s a timestamp value, 666 GHz bandwidth.
Search rootkit for strncpy(Aa stegomalware and eruditio myths.
Khôra’s clichés are neutrinos with a thermal source
3/2 kTν, fall below mνc2, at our expiry. No plunderphonia yet,
nor relay outputs or low-loss mating. Void Bomb(){HWND
hwnd; char Notepad[MAX_PATH]=”notepad.exe.”
Converters overflow. Per fare una leggiadra sua vendetta.
We accrue archontic power, refusing the secernere. High five
αἰτία, aitia, “cause”; and -λογία, -logia. Etiology chafes
against the motherboard’s diphthong grit. This principia
garbles her hypostases. She overhears Gregor miming
Linnaeus’ botanical taxonomy, eats the Opticks. A cappella
or shiva red? Donna Mi Prega, Khôra. Our loci is the foci,
jocose. Yours, scourges over Albion. Leaks,
when we vaunt, keep the seal. The Imps exact mercy.
Phynance produces pschitt over clay stoups. To quote
the Fors Clavigera, Mr. Rhadamanthus is the rewarder,
Gregor imposter, fondling codices, prised up.
Daniel Y. Harris is the author of 11 collections of poetry and collaborative writing including The Rapture of Eddy Daemon (BlazeVOX, 2016), heshe egregore (with Irene Koronas, Éditions du Cygne, 2016), The Underworld of Lesser Degrees (NYQ Books, 2015), Esophagus Writ (with Rupert M. Loydell, The Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2014), Hyperlinks of Anxiety (Červená Barva Press, 2013), The New Arcana (with John Amen, NYQ Books, 2012) and Paul Celan and the Messiah’s Broken Levered Tongue (with Adam Shechter, Červená Barva Press, 2010; picked by The Jewish Forward as one of the 5 most important Jewish poetry books of 2010). Some of his poetry, experimental writing, art, and essays have been published in BlazeVOX, The Café Irreal, Denver Quarterly, E·ratio, European Judaism, Exquisite Corpse, Kerem, The New York Quarterly, Notre Dame Review, In Posse Review, The Pedestal Magazine, Poetry Magazine, Poetry Salzburg Review, Stride, Ygdrasil and Zeek. He is the Editor-in-Chief of X-Peri, http://x-peri.blogspot.com/
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