Olivier Schopfer
Olivier Schopfer lives in Geneva, Switzerland. He likes to capture the moment in haiku and photography. His work has appeared in The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku in 2014 and 2016, as well as in numerous online and print journals from Acorn through to Under the Basho.
He also writes articles in French about etymology and everyday expressions : http://olivierschopferracontelesmots.blog.24heures.ch/
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Olivier Schopfer lives in Geneva, Switzerland. He likes to capture the moment in haiku and photography. His work has appeared in The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku in 2014 and 2016, as well as in numerous online and print journals from Acorn through to Under the Basho.
He also writes articles in French about etymology and everyday expressions : http://olivierschopferracontelesmots.blog.24heures.ch/
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Each one so fascinating! Each invites extensive perusal.
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