Marcia Arrieta
out of sync
the mirror has gaps displacement disillusion
to detach is necessary a ladybug lands on the door
same old story
breathing quietude susceptible a park bench the communication of birds
nonfiction the world asleep miles away prism tree houses visual music
the epicycloid
in a coda
the epiphany
a salvage
an aviary
the metamorphosis apart from limitations responsibilities
inner vision the oak branch paradoxes of time unrelated
watercolour & charcoal & sand
para un español—Esteban Vicente
(the forms do not have to have straight lines)
blue on crimson
Hotel des Artistes
Marcia Arrieta's chapbook thimbles, threads is recently published by dancing girl press. Her poems appear in Empty Mirror, Parentheses, Marsh Hawk Review, Local Nomad & DASH. She edits and publishes Indefinite Space:
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out of sync
the mirror has gaps displacement disillusion
to detach is necessary a ladybug lands on the door
same old story
breathing quietude susceptible a park bench the communication of birds
nonfiction the world asleep miles away prism tree houses visual music
the epicycloid
in a coda
the epiphany
a salvage
an aviary
the metamorphosis apart from limitations responsibilities
inner vision the oak branch paradoxes of time unrelated
watercolour & charcoal & sand
para un español—Esteban Vicente
(the forms do not have to have straight lines)
blue on crimson
Hotel des Artistes
Marcia Arrieta's chapbook thimbles, threads is recently published by dancing girl press. Her poems appear in Empty Mirror, Parentheses, Marsh Hawk Review, Local Nomad & DASH. She edits and publishes Indefinite Space:
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