Mary Kasimor
Mary Kasimor has been writing poetry for many years and is still looking for her voice. Her recent poetry collections are The Landfill Dancers (BlazeVox Books 2014), Saint Pink (Moria Books 2015), The Prometheus Collage (Locofo Press 2017), and Nature Store (Dancing Girl Press 2017). Her poetry has been published in many journals, including Word For/Word, Touch the Donkey, Posit, Human Repair Kit, Arteidolia (collaboration with Susan Lewis), and Otoliths.
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in love my Mouth STumbled OUT in love mumbled Out the CIGarette tasted Good after a long evening ’S si lence i wanted The fire out OF thunder from darkNESS burned into the first Era of O-ceans i wanted the wooden wrought IRon the HEAViness of water i wanted The PAIN of a distracted Sound stitched blood chemicals and BLeach the energy of trans parent lig hting and NY lon faces and ELbows you float EMpty armed oceans o pen TO the sounD as repetition and SPEcTacle a ParaDe of nerves and REAsons sitting in bodies in l ove thinkING we are only CHairs and shadow s AND clothes hangers hung Out to dry while the old Woman re-Visits herself for a second o pinion in the AIR her voice s Chose holding the PHYsics of circles TO touch time quickly Away after separating from practice AFTER the children Are lost in the machines we are pa gans with our finest Voices after turning of f the television (and leavin g) i was left behind in five different places eating oa tm eal gum my bears the blue pill gathers its sleep toge ther in the mornings gathe red emergencies ambiguity ’s in the machines its rusted grinder bled over all the stitching and layers of th e rest of us worn ou tside our lifesty les dan cing to universal blindness with out health insurance check the dum psters stopping the eb b of sacrifice as shel fish little beans we border ourselves over th ere over her e we retain our id entities startling the words that c ame and wen t with pricy subtraction and pom posity like a rose a f lower a starf ish outside of myself when the room was re-decorated the old walls flung out of the window the voices are screwdrivers ending life and electricity prim and contained chew your food slowly mouth closed and crossed (do not gossip) the two voices hear themselves and leave the room i listen to the death of a spider with all the webs of spain the natural beauty left the land it repeats itself (new babies) being born repeats itself without words tone celebrates sound let’s hear her strategy leaves and is without a plan i walk without direction with an old tradition of mouths touching air i was supposed to be something imagined strength while i sit on the outside of myself edge of cognition indoor skydiving into /an envelope i have left myself for you /on blank pieces of paper repeating my/selve/s repeating i am a grass/hopper leaping taking the earth /away what shadows they are /encrypted in this remote control /water a sip here and there we dance around the dry fountain /we haven’t designed ourselves well if i scream /you will take out my heart rub it in salt /my pickled heart /my words on repeat control /how many pounds of flesh? /chewing ourselves up the layers of humiliation where we are /high for another day smelling ourselves the industrialized smell /of who they are following /our illness coming to the edge of re/cognition to what i might be in the final rows planted seeds /the crows with their tiny fingers /wait to be eaten i am alloy metallic hissing i am described without entrance /or exit where the poetry plays with children
Mary Kasimor has been writing poetry for many years and is still looking for her voice. Her recent poetry collections are The Landfill Dancers (BlazeVox Books 2014), Saint Pink (Moria Books 2015), The Prometheus Collage (Locofo Press 2017), and Nature Store (Dancing Girl Press 2017). Her poetry has been published in many journals, including Word For/Word, Touch the Donkey, Posit, Human Repair Kit, Arteidolia (collaboration with Susan Lewis), and Otoliths.
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