Elaine Woo

The Nurturer Nurtured

The Nurturer's Nurturer in Care

Elaine Woo is a Canadian poet and artist. She is the author of the poetry collections, Put Your Hand in Mine, Signature Editions, April 2019 and Cycling with the Dragon, Nightwood Editions, 2014. Her art appears in h&, S/tick, Elephant Journal, Thorn Lit Mag and Otoliths.
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Blogger Seth Howard said...

Brilliant work Elaine. Sorry, I meant to reply to you a while back, but suddenly I was swamped with work, & personal matters.

The second drawing reminds me a little of Matsumoto Taiyo's style. I used to like to read his work when I lived in Tokyo, & he is certainly infinitely more famous there (almost unknown in The States). Why are we trapped in this alternate reality where Anime is only watched by teenage girls (& those who are "like teenage girls")? Please, let me eat my hamburger & read my Baudelaire in peace! Are we speaking over the phone? "I didn't know anyone could say no to cash, but I could be wrong." —Nakajima Setto

12:19 PM  
Blogger Seth Howard said...

The first drawing is more abstract. It makes me think of a doll made of wire; or of a couple sketches I did in college that hinted at a greater whole. ー中嶋攝斗

10:47 PM  

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