Paul Siegell
from wild life rifle fire

Paul Siegell is pleased to announce, with these pieces above, his surprise third collection of poetry, wild life rifle fire, forthcoming in the soon future from Otoliths Books. He is also the author of jambandbootleg (A-Head, 2009), Poemergency Room (Otoliths Books, 2008) and the e-chap J∆M> (ungovernable press, 2008). Staff editor at Painted Bride Quarterly, he has contributed to The American Poetry Review, Coconut, Rattle and many other fine journals. Kindly find more of Paul's work at ReVeLeR @ eYeLeVeL.
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from wild life rifle fire

Paul Siegell is pleased to announce, with these pieces above, his surprise third collection of poetry, wild life rifle fire, forthcoming in the soon future from Otoliths Books. He is also the author of jambandbootleg (A-Head, 2009), Poemergency Room (Otoliths Books, 2008) and the e-chap J∆M> (ungovernable press, 2008). Staff editor at Painted Bride Quarterly, he has contributed to The American Poetry Review, Coconut, Rattle and many other fine journals. Kindly find more of Paul's work at ReVeLeR @ eYeLeVeL.
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