

J. D. Nelson

Nearness Detroit

Sssss.... bloom!

Steel wool
               artful. Domino
                              Goliath of Gath.

                               [I have the ace a bu—
                                             was it a weekend?
oh, I lost the]

Dime, the loner clown. Lenore of suede.

The barber of Christ.
So rat watchers can say.

               One of those 1940s superheroes.

Reboot the chemical sorrow of tired milk.

                              Rainbow at The Rainbow.
Movement in trees of God.

An Easter oyster. Half
of Needles, California.

Edward first, the good sentence.
Scottish or smaller.

               A country of breakfasts.

I'm lining my own paper
with an old, blue pencil.

Winnemucca & No/w/here

a yes will
open the window one rub
bing alcoh

eye the gila monster
paper wasp laughing

the minor
league sandy in paris

whistle the morgan freerider
the names of certain frogs

in books

asking the piano for highway
marble for onely tracing boos

Freedom Pepsi

Xommon Ranch, Graph Paper City.

Lincoln, the Cobb Salad.
The Dex of knormal sights.

               Spoken Maine
               tomorrow Sunday
               tomorrow Earth knows boiling

In standard hurt. Blinking
the Denverblast.

Too many earths with cold, I understood.

Not the free sounds of one in the head,
making new mistakes all over art.

I walked here in boots with noise allowed.

(Earth-friends in twos.)

J. D. Nelson (b. 1971) experiments with words and sound in his subterranean laboratory. More than 1,000 of his bizarre poems and experimental texts have appeared in many small press and underground publications. Visit for more information and links to his published work. His audio experiments (recorded under the name OWL BRAIN ATLAS) are available at OWL NOISE 0, his album of experimental spoken word, is available as a free download at J. D. lives in Colorado, USA
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  1. Just please write some more!
    Line by line becomes real!
    Not realistic. I love these.
