

Andrew Topel

collaboration is an important, vital part of creating for me. both art and writing are acts of creation usually done in isolation. it can be intimidating to stare at a blank canvas or an empty sheet of paper, seeing nothing but white space. collaboration allows one to break free from the isolation and generate new ideas. through collaborative work, the artistic act becomes a process of give-and-take, a dialogue opening up between two or more people, and brings a tremendous amount of heat and surprise to the creative process. it can lead one down new and unexplored neural pathways. i highly recommend that everyone share his/her vision with another/others, and let another’s vision seep into his/her mind, intertwining and super-congealing brain-cells, then create together and shield your eyes from the potential explosion.

with Jim Leftwich and John M. Bennett

Jim Leftwich is a poet and mail artist who lives in Roanoke, Va. he is the author of Dirt, Doubt, Myesis, Sample Example, The Textasifsuch, Death Text, Pulsing Swarms & Squiggly Diagonals, Shrimp Teeth, Trashpo and Six Months Aint No Sentence. collaborative works include Sound Dirt, with John M. Bennett, Acts, with John Crouse, How To Dust A Bunny, with Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, iTopia, with Scott MacLeod, Book of Numbers, with Marton Koppany, and Shadowed Truth, with Andrew Topel. he was the editor and publisher of the print magazines Juxta and Xtant from 1994 to 2005. since 2005 he has edited/compiled the blog zine, Textimagepoem, and the flicker collection, Textimagepoetry. since 2008 he has been involved in organizing mail art, sound poetry, visual poetry and noise events in Roanoke.

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