

M. Pfaff

from lexicon (n.)


                               lexicon    (n.)

catalogue of / as

                catalogue as
                                              reality. "catalogue of" as

                real. pure texture of as

                encyclopaedic                     cartos (καρτος)

                               map as

"AS"    ("x")    →      "          "      →    IS

                "AS"    as    "IS"     →

       "x"     →     IS    =

IS     as     AS,    or

"      "    as    AS     +

IS      as     "     "
                                              as?    (as in...?)

                IN     as
                                              opening outward

IN     as     AS


                               an openingoutward.   an inward

start again:


& the complete
                totalization of the                        planet
                totality                                             globe
                                                                            globular earth-ball
                                                                            round-shaped airball

Axassasas                 m

Axaxaxas                mlö

                dhcmrlchtdj |   elbow-whips

drainage pipes

sandwich parts

hooligan mufflers

radiant car chairs

helpful elephants

drain-carped fishermen

                jumbo shrimp
                jumbo drips
                jumbo nips                      faps
                                                             rips                splits
                               skps                     dips


start again:

inside a long-ago imploding sun

light bends around an absence, scintillant and
dark as matter:

rabbit hole  space machine atom bomb  time

               pyramid or wings:

.                         . 
. ) ( .                . ) ( .  
. . (.) . .          . . (.) . .
. . . ).( . . . . .  . ).(  .  . 
. . (.) . .          . . (.) . .
. ) ( .                . ) ( .
.                         .

               or formless like math

M. Pfaff is a doctoral candidate in Comparative Literature at the University of Michigan, where he is currently finishing a dissertation that explores “postmodernist classicism” in American experimental writing, tentatively titled “Strange New Canons: Classical Reception at the Margins in 20th Century Poetics.” His literary translations of ancient lyric poetry received the Platsis Prize for Work on the Greek Legacy, and his poems and translations are beginning to appear in publications such as Asymptote, Prick of the Spindle, Counterexample Poetics, and Ezra.
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