

Micah Cavaleri

Phosphorus and Nitrogen

Number 1

if I someday walk onto an open field of snow on a lake in a valley under hills of snow standing bare birch                and pine trees then I am not me or         I am wanting to marry the roots of cattails To speak indirectly And to move quickly from states to other states. A black bird, a crow I will say, is my harbinger visitor sitting quietly on a branch. As an old man, I can walk with a knotted stick. on the lake though I rather give away myself for ending's sake as phosphorus and nitrogen after the snow melt and I sink to the bottom of the lake for my body to decay. yum fish and snails.

Number 2

if she someday walks onto an open field of water on a mesa in Moab under hills of snow the river groans         and pine trees then she is not herself or                she wants to marry the roots of brush To walk indirectly And to speak quickly from state to state. A black bird, a crow she will say, is her harbinger visitor sitting quietly on a branch. As a young woman, she can walk in tan pants and a khaki hat. on the lake though she rather give away ending's as phosphorus and nitrogen after the snow melts and she sinks to the bottom of the mesa to decay. yum fish on fresh corn flour and potatoes.

Number 3

if he someday walks onto an open field of sand on a hill in Santa Barbara under hills of snow the groaning islands         and pine trees then he is not himself or                he wants to marry the branching roots To lie indirectly And to speak quickly from state to state. A black bird, a crow he will say, is his harbingic visitor sitting quietly on a branch. As a boy, he can lie to a knotted stick in a khaki hat. on the lake though he rather give away a phosphorus and a nitrogen after the snow melts and he sinks to the bottom of the sand hill to breathe and eat. yum fish on fresh sage flowers and potatoes.

Number 4

if you someday walk onto an open field of sand on a mesa near a lake under hills of snow the bare birch                 and pine trees then you are not yourself or                you want to marry the bare brush/roots of ants To give birth indirectly And to bathe quickly from state to state. A black bird, a crow you will say, is your harbor visitor sitting quietly on a branch. As an embryo, you can bathe in knotted water. on the lake though you rather give a phosphorus and a nitrogen after the snow melts and you swim to the plate of the birch trees to breathe and eat. yum fresh water.

Micah Cavaleri's most recent book is the romances and other poems. His first book, the syllable that opened an eye, was published by Dead Man Publishing in 2010. He has served in Iraq, as well as earning a BA in Theology and Philosophy at the University of Saint Thomas in Saint Paul, MN, and his MA in Philosophy from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN. He trained in satellite communications and as a cavalry scout for the Army National Guard, and completed graduate studies in Advanced International Affairs at Texas A&M in College Station, TX. You can find his work in elimae, Moria, Galatea Resurrects, Jacket2 and more scattered around the web.
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1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed these Micah. Good to see you in otoliths. Hope you enjoyed our rare day of sunshine today,
