

Jim Leftwich

from Six Months Ain't No Sentence

die sounds,
like somethi
a ng turn
dog ing, or
fragments namenta
of l, boil
music ed, red
life in lang
and uage, t
death he synt
of ax of c
albert ardboar
ayler d kitsc
little h, pith
birds and gis
have ts, pis
fast s water
hearts in thee
from face, a
valley vermifu
to ge, a b
valley asketba
aoyama ll, mud
close d, in t
up he face

fragments, numer
of ous cry
music ptocrys
life talline
and perfume
death s, 1979
of, in Sa
Albert n Franc
Ayler isco, &
little 1969, a
birds t Ferru
have m Colle
fast ge, adj
hearts acent e
from yes col
valley ored by
to journey
valley, in Ch
aoyama arlotte
crows sville,
close in 1994
up, as ea

fragments sy as c
of lothing
music, clott
life and ing gen
death tle isl
of and, bl
Albert ack out
Ayler drinkin
little g of fo
birds rm, fos
have sil lan
fast guage o
hearts f bound
from ary, el
valley sewhere
to a trenc
valley h, as a
aoyama sedativ
crows e is wu
close nderkam
up mer hos

fragments tile sk
of in, moo
music n spore
life s cresc
and ent her
death b, noth
of ing is,
Albert inheren
Ayler tly int
little erestin
birds g, invi
have sibly t
fast ime qua
hearts drature
little of tarr
birds agon, i
have the sha
fast dow of,
hearts a priso
from n, a te
valley mporary
to engine,
valley wa shed
aoyama in a na
crows rrow bu
aoyama rden, a
crows nything
close casting
up a harbo

die r, leuk
like otriene
a s immen
dog sely wo
fragments oden, t
of hey wer
music e suici
life de note
and s, beer
death and coc
of aine, w
Albert ri ting
Ayler the wor
little ld, the
birds 80s, po
have stexill
fast ic subj
hearts ects, p
little unk was
birds a war a
have gain st
fast memorie
hearts s, poli
from shed wi
valley th prec
to ious me
valley tals, r
aoyama ipe aut
crows obiogra
aoyama phies c
crows ut-up f
close ed thro
up ugh a m

die eat-gri
like nder an
a d serve
dog d as, a
quartet salad a
fragments s the g
of hetto o
music f tongu
life e, sham
and eless r
death ef used
of hyperte
Albert nsion t
Ayler rash wh
little o chain
birds like fo
have r a wed
fast ding di
hearts ag onal
little that se
birds gmented
have over wh
fast eels wa
hearts iling t
from ime who
valley se scal
to eless s
valley urgical
aoyama music E
aoyama ITY har
crows sh nois
close es reas
up on whic

die h ancho
like r is em
a otion i
dog n flawl
quartet ess, ta
fragments sty ego
of zines t
music he chur
life ch this
and thr one
death of abno
of rmal to
Albert rture a
Ayler rchaeol
little og ical
birds what ca
have vity of
fast psychic
hearts current
little these l
birds uminesc
have ent tas
fast tes emb
hearts r ace a
from brothel
valley sleepwa
valley to lking n
aoyama arrativ
crows e multi
aoyama those s
crows caly sc
close ars, of
up mirrors

like OF FISH
quartet F OPAQU
fragments E S KIN
of OF T HE
music SU FFIX
life realiti
and es snow
death aesthet
of ic, I a
Albert m all o
Ayler f the p
little rnouns,
birds wh o by
have seri es
fast thrived
hearts - t hat
little scandal
birds ous wea
have lth deg
fast enerati
hearts ve scum
from video w
valley hose th
to rone of
valley sequenc
aoyama e which
crows day - a
aoyama no ther
crows verbal,
close encircl
up ed perf

die ume, th
like is skel
a etal ke
dog rnel is
quartet not the
fragments same, w
of hat sex
music ual cac
life tus wou
and nds suc
death h a per
of son per
Albert sun poi
Ayler son par
little son par
birds sed day
have after y
fast ear aft
hearts er deca
little de (six
birds mon ths
have aint no
fast sentenc
hearts e is, a
from rough t
valley ranslat
to ion, of
valley anabasi
aoyama s), the
crows se lips
aoyama milk ai
crows r, a so
close und, of
up fish, t

die hose nu
like rse the
a holl ow
dog des ert
quartet histori
fragments c liche
of n monas
music tery hi
life st oric
and li,mbic
death laborat
of ory, hi
Albert s toric
Ayler liminal
little observa
little tory, a
birds s was s
birds aid, co
have nductin
have g exper
fast ime nts
fast in thee
hearts laborat
hearts or y of
from the sel
valley f, bloo
to d-limbe
valley d, nume
aoyama ric al,
aoyama a kind,
crows of noma
crows dic rea
close ding, a
up lso sil

die ky, raw
like, tempo
a ral ser
dog if of p
quartet roteins
fragments gr ave,
of triflin
music g quest
life ions, f
and ling, k
death nife fl
of ing, pr
Albert evio us
Ayler to rept
little iles ne
little rvo us,
birds mottled
birds, notch
have ed clot
have of shoc
fast k, bloo
fast d-limbe
hearts d folkl
hearts ore, of
from the hem
valley isphere
to s the r
valley ept ile
aoyama schoolc
aoyama hildren
crows sandy l
crows ake, of
close tears l
up imits s

die poradic
like piano s
a carf bu
dog lbous s
quartet affr on
fragments gro und
of of, the
music intesti
life nal pal
and eolithi
death c e yes
of cu rved
Albert and wit
Ayler hered a
little ngry as
birds kew voi
have ce of w
fast heat th
hearts e seaso
little ns of t
birds he pouc
have h woode
fast n f ish
hearts, Coach
from Woo den
valley fish, w
to ith egg
valley sk etch
aoyama of suff
crows ix cere
aoyama mo nial
crows death t
close ext, ha
up ute cou

die ture de
like ath tex
a t, uncl
dog e m eat
quartet basketb
fragments all cam
of p as si
music gnature
life drugged
and harpsic
death hord ne
of phrosis
Albert of door
Ayler ways an
little d begin
birds n ings,
have the fac
fast es pamp
hearts ered, r
little amps, d
birds ampened
have, off-r
fast amps ei
hearts ther va
from rious o
valley r everg
to reen, h
valley itchhik
aoyama ing, in
crows the rai
aoyama n, 1975
crows, Green
close sboro t
up o Madis

die on Heig
like hts, th
a e immun
dog e syste
quartet m’s nat
fragments ural ki
of ller ce
music lls, ir
life idescen
and t folia
death ge, sca
of rlet aj
Albert oene, e
Ayler urhythm
little ic name
birds, the s
have udden n
fast oise ca
hearts used se
from veral n
valley er ves,
to one car
valley minativ
aoyama e, a mi
crows nd of s
close kullsci
up e n c e

die sounds, up he face
like somethi close d, in t
a ng turn crows-covere
dog ing, or aoyama ll, mud
fragments namenta valley asketba
of l, boil to ge, a b
music ed, red valley vermifu
life in lang from face, a
and uage, t hearts in thee
death he synt fast s water
of ax of c have ts, pis
albert ardboar birds and gis
ayler d kitsc little h, pith

fragments, numer to journey
of ous cry up, as ea
music ptocrys valley ored by
life talline close in 1994
and perfume hearts acent e
death s, 1979 crows sville,
of, in Sa birds t Ferru
Albert n Franc aoyama arlotte
Ayler isco, & fast ge, adj
little 1969, a valley, in Ch
have m Colle from yes col

fragments sy as c up mer hos
of lothing to a trenc
music, clott from ary, el
life and ing gen close nderkam
death tle isl valley sewhere
of and, bl have sil lan
Albert ack out crows e is wu
Ayler drinkin hearts f bound
little g of fo little g of fo
birds rm, fos aoyama sedativ
fast guage o valley h, as a

fragments tile sk aoyama rden,
a of in, moo valley wa shed
music n spore up a harbo
life s cresc valley mporary
and ent her have the sha
death b, noth crows nything
of ing is, aoyama in a na
Albert inheren to engine,
Ayler tly int have sibly t
little erestin close casting
birds g, invi from n, a te
fast ime qua crows rrow bu
hearts drature hearts a priso
little of tarr fast dow of,
birds agon, i birds agon, i

die r, leuk up ugh a m
like otriene close ed thro
a s immen crows obiogra
dog sely wo valley tals, r
fragments oden, t have gain st
of hey wer valley th prec
music e suici crows ut-up f
life de note aoyama phies c
and s, beer hearts s, poli
death and coc little unk was
of aine, w hearts ects, p
Albert ri ting fast memorie
Ayler the wor aoyama ipe aut
little ld, the to ious me
birds 80s, po from shed wi
have stexill birds a war a
fast ic subj fast ic subj

die eat-gri crows LECTRIC
like nder an valley se scal
a d serve up on whic
dog d as, a valley urgical
quartet salad a close es reas
fragments s the g hearts iling t
of hetto o hearts ag onal
music f tongu crows sh nois
life e, sham have over wh
and eless r aoyama ITY har
death ef used aoyama music E
of hyperte to eless s
Albert nsion t from ime who
Ayler rash wh fast eels wa
little o chain birds gmented
birds like fo fast ding di
have r a wed little that se

die h ancho up mirrors
like r is em a otion i
dog n flawl up mirrors
quartet ess, ta sty ego
fragments sty ego sty ego
of zines t up mirrors
music he chur sty ego
life ch this sty ego
and thr one up mirrors
death of abno of rmal to
Albert rture a up mirrors
Ayler rchaeol sty ego
little og ical sty ego
birds what ca up mirrors
have vity of fast psychic
hearts current up mirrors
little these l sty ego
birds uminesc sty ego
have ent tas up mirrors
fast tes emb hearts r ace a
from brothel up mirrors
valley sleepwa sty ego
valley to lking n sty ego
aoyama arrativ up mirrors
crows e multi aoyama those s
crows caly sc up mirrors
close ars, of up mirrors

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