Pete Spence

I Figure.

i figure right here
to move on to the next line
everything else dissolves
into a foggy ether where
summer is just on hold
someone goes past looking
for the lid of summer
somewhere in the shadow
of a tepid cloud that would
like to be somewhere else
would grow feathers
to be somewhere else


i've been looking at "over there" for some time
the background is faded so much you can see
something far beyond that seems to be moving
towards you like a storm in a tea cup wanting
very much to be noticed floating across the flats
escaping towards me i move sideways as it rushes
past me like a kid on a skateboard the dust settles
the day goes on pulverising the afternoon until
evening is a settled deal unfolding itself like the soup
of the day and then night is knocking on the door

Reading The Collected Poems Of Jim Dine.

nights go by
each night i read
a little more
of Poems To Work
zips on clouds
some whether due
read some more
and sleep is due
another night more
Poems To Work On
i like the parts i like
they hover about
another night i'm
working on Poems
To Work On
nothing docile
nothing to surprise
a mirror and after
a day in the sun
i'm getting ready
to work some Poems
To Work On
blaze across the page
and some lines
are nicely coloured in

Pete Spence was born in 1946. He is a poet, visual poet, editor, and filmmaker, and has worked in various jobs to cover the ongoing deficit.

He is currently retired from work but not from any of the above.
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