Laura Bell

Lonely Fruits
2018, spray paint, acrylic, and decorative cardboard lid on paper, 30" x 22"

Threat Level
2018, acrylic, ink, laser prints ((International Space Station crossing the moon), lunar calendar, and Hagstrom Pocket Atlas NYC waterfront map on both sides of vellum tracing paper, 14" x 17"

Down Pour
2018, oil and laser prints (frozen Budweiser bottles stuck into a hedge) on canvas, 48" x 32"

Endangered Species
2018, oil, charcoal, and laser prints (bird magazine fold-out, old magazines in an office closet,
Staten Island Ferry deck) on canvas, 32" x 22"

Flight Path
2018, acrylic, ink, laser prints (International Space Station crossing the moon), cut paper, and fragment of poster (New York Times magazine cover story on nuclear energy) on foam core on paper, 30" x 22"

Air Space
2018, oil and laser prints (cross-country aerial views) on canvas, 45" x 45"

Laura Bell studied with Fluxus artist Robert Watts at Douglass College, where she gained an appreciation for the spontaneous and serendipitous. Her paintings and mixed-media work have been exhibited in New York, Provincetown, New Haven, Chicago, Philadelphia, Berlin, and elsewhere, and she has been an artist-in-residence at the Millay Colony. Her ongoing collaborative collage series with poet Ian Ganassi has been mailed back and forth between them since 2005. She lives and has her studio in the Bronx.
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