Douglas Barbour & Sheila E. Murphy
Continuations CVI:
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Continuations CVI:
a song sung only                a particular one of many there upon a platform shoed into this or that argument toward a future fair yield yet not a                bene fit for one intended ear nebulous fit     desire and plan                shored up in twinned form                               intrinsic               truncated gesture arduous               the spun                throngs dis-mature themselves                               (un)prompted by the platform the sprung thongs manifest a jest                sure to alert (or alter) imagination s ought out                thinking / caught out cutting cornered concern                s having loss to lose out of concern               one speaks                of piques                ad valorem                               with or sans imagination sure of self and little                else(wise)        cornering                               loss by way of fest or vest all covered a breast                of new developments or so some they will say                will sway a crowd of                daffy fellows fools                               for a siren s(tr)ong restive flexing                veils un-mellow                strays to daft pursuits                               risen through rungs sprung over a view of                om                     as withered                               in common psyche incommunicado or psyched to hide                till a chants encounter lead                               s to peddled prevarications holding dominion over minds but part                way mended (that s melded                welded to some dream of power enhancements peddled hold                just as the heart lets go                               the mind full of itself a chance      blanches the minions                                              following behind                where they (be)long still blindly striving a snowfall of white papers thrown                out (down) unread / deliberate refusal chancy choice quotes                rations torn out worn out                verses curses only                               against the chosen other use(d)                 worn                 cursed                gain                  at the height of                               professional   quotas                                              of crumbs reached for                ahead of others               averse                               to sharing           what is owned what is known is only what is owned                not up to no good can come of these against those                all for not no knotty                conundrums beating                               heartland lacking the beginning statistics               class     negates               the improbable                instance of     no goodness of fit                               knots   obstacular in their                                              way     weigh in to win attention   beating               albeit unjustly                would appear                  to simplify too simple fie a fig for a gig                a bite off the oldest apple                pie or po faced fused and fueled on an anger so unfocused it                can no more know less                than the nothing sparking fire (storms strange storms split trees                light shrills the sky    fuel                               the app versus the apple champion focusing on                               fire ire            choirlets                spat sing skat lines      to opine too fine lie cut or slashed                as trees houses even board rooms roam in wind black and                blown a blue(s) air                Aeolian harpies scare                               quotes ever lower lashing out versus moaning                yields unreasonable      filler in                               the empties      rife with flash floods     of losing streaks                               blown through yards               psyches          dis-owned the empirical spike back off                fractal officiousness                               too many partitions behind which watch what                faked management                               systems (of a) downturn a précis amounts to fractional                fakeage                systematic as watchdogs                               bleat their officious little marks in sound space               too many                               creatures of habit turn down the struck empire (waste management) stuck in empirical                space spectaculars too much hair raising the anti                rousing the antebellum bellows                is that another gun                               in your prance or tentacles screech toward                gunfire               as if                               rancid spirits had caught fire                    a hair’s breadth                be/longing to an other                               anti-everything laying about with all arms or is that flailing failing the test                y money lords their refusal a retort unseemly to reason or enabled doubt of moral high                ground beneath their boots lately frailness leaves                the shell of a report the season discards                neither knives                nor dirt               nor fire morale sinks unable to self                buoy money’s residue smudges all hands a kind of char dust                that broom a clean sweep stakes too high for                life to stay a sentence                writ on water thought                               heroics lost in mist rusted takes return the hero                to a perch from which a clean break stays                in focus for the many                               who rely upon the legendary as a reason                to sleep in that darkness thereof one                speaks not each night mare more wave than particular                drowned bookie all bets off in memoirs penned in absolutes                black on white alert mess noir might not protect                alertness stiff beyond               the threat                               of light               shrill to see(k)ing the specific place apart from                recollection rendered                               in code that sleeves distinction slaves distraction a default faulty                to the last (lie as breath shoehorned subordination                subjects always (al)ready objects                in that ever smaller rear view                               mirror of souls long vacated ordinal data makes meaning of                the up and down the subject                               of the sentence(d) diminishes in view until writhing turns                to others               last in lineage                               shoved into dwindling place left empty soon if powers                off put out beyond the                event horizon an air less space less exploration less                experimentation that reach                for a future reason would construct reason’s emptied of event                the less space               the more power                               concentrated into                freedom of reach as prowess tall mid-air                experiments meanwhile                prevail               constructively through seasons a turn and turn again but with                or against the clock a rock shadow tossed bossed                buffed as if pomade could provide a halo so bright                it hides the lack of thought beneath riptide splinters halo primed                to seem intact                revokes                               inline online fin-lined lockdown                ritually                turned against itself twelve or more                               embossed containers of valence
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