

Anne Gorrick

[Artemis]: the chase (hunt) and the moon by

...annually offered a living holocaust of totem beasts, birds and plants…(p.86)               
The Greek Myths: 1 by Robert Graves

                               Virus and fowl
                              always sunny on this painted horse ranch
                              Spaceship bridge simulator botanicals
                              ceiling fans and capital management in Cincinnati
                              Eye drops for Ephesus
                              glaucoma study
                              hill recovery
                              Who are her known associates?
                              Knives, literary sources, Lake Tahoe

She helped women in childbirth but also brought sudden death with her arrows / Goddess of Light And Protector of the Vulnerable / Orion was the handsomest man in the world, a mighty hunter, an untiring dancer, a hearty eater / Bird Goddess / she is linked to several wild birds including guinea fowl, buzzards and an unidentified sea bird / possesses an introverted and independent temperament / the chase (hunt) and the moon by ♫ Highway to Hell ♫ / Artemis is a free genome browser and annotation tool that allows visualization of sequence features / a Persian name, a variant on the name Artemisia / Artemis Is Cheating? Enter the Mysterious Kitten online / Has been given a secret glade in the forest / no mortal may gaze upon her / Artemis Regenerative Therapy Device, will be available, in Wellington, FL, where some of the world’s most prestigious equine athletes reside

                               The moon’s malware, olive oil hand cream
                              sectional software
                              Artemis Trojan virus
                              What does it do?
                              Unwanted, uninstall
                              Ultrasound every special situation
                              Wonder woman replacement tips
                              distressed koa
                              Artemis yoga in Watertown
                              under a wildstar

Artemis is just such an amazing and special place that it is so hard to explain it in a review / The Arabidopsis thaliana protein ARTEMIS is an integral component of the chloroplast inner envelope required for chloroplast division / Team Artemis is made up of the current members of Immaculate Heart Academy's (IHA) robotics club / Immunodepletion of Artemis from HeLa whole-cell extracts as determined by immunoblotting / Sailor Venus Club of Venus Overload / Artemis is happy on Scratch / Artemis Director's Viewfinder is an indispensable tool for filmmakers / I have been trying to do it and can’t find the way to do it / ARTEMIS: is a useful aid for radio listeners: it allows to compare real time spectra (from SDR waterfall for example) with those found in archives by comparison / Node-Artemis is an unofficial custom server library for the Artemis Space Bridge Simulator / In the new age, Artemis is a girl who doesn't believe in love / Aims her arrows at the stars, sees Orion in the night sky / Drops her bow, doesn't pick it up again / Artemis is braced for a wobble

                               Waterborn island games
                              absinthium response
                              to oxidative stress
                              Artemisia Gentileschi painted in which time zone?
                              An Island pearl peril
                              a moisturizing body lotion and a Mediterranean grill
                              of double-strand breaks with 5'-blocked termini
                              Artemis is required to improve accuracy
                              to repair the non-DSB-clustered lesions

Artemis is designed for anyone who watched Star Trek and dreamed of what it would be like to sit on the bridge of a star ship / The Artemis is the white building with red shutters / No escape, Mana hungry, massively weak early game, her ultimate sucks, that boar attack random, people who saw that can stay back a sec and come in again / Enemy reached you early game? Die. What a joke / ARTEMIS is still looking for a home / Artemis is a nuclease that is necessary for hairpin opening in V(D)J recombination / Artemis is a female Western Screech-Owl who was hit by a car while on the hunt for prey / Artemis is based on high repetition, few optical cycle and widely tunable laser sources / Doesn't even really need much explanation / Too much effortless burst damage on Outerang / when translated, means “high source of water” / I am getting message insufficient virtual memory / It's just so fun to watch the arrows go STRAIGHT for your target / Here are some screenshots

                               Rochester 1788
                              sworn off the size of
                              the deity of which heavenly body
                              Wealth advisors
                              Was she born or was she a creation?
                              Worshipped, built, smite arrow
                              landscape architects, sailor moon
                              chastity, virginity, the hunt, the moon, and the natural environment
                              Protectress of the girl child

[Dionysus]: "completely hidden" "he of the winnowing fan"

…as a type of sacred king whom the goddess ritually killed with a thunderbolt in the seventh month from the winter solstice, and whom her priestesses devoured. (p. 56)               
The Greek Myths: 1 by Robert Graves

Names: "giver of unmixed wine" "goat killer" "he who prevails" “Roaring” "the subterranean" "he of the trees" "the liberator" “with balls” "in the testicles" "completely hidden" "he of the winnowing fan" "loosener" "of the black goatskin" "smeared" “false man” / Thyrsus, grapevine, leopard skin / Performing miracles performative / A complex deity of ritual madness and parties and viticulture / Joy and Theatre / a mix of both good and bad luck / It was believed that Dionysus arose from the dead each year at Delphi and reigned during the three winter months, while Apollo was away / an underestimated god and could so be a top villain / Dionysus is rad but not as rad as me. whatitmeanstocare · / whatitmeanstocare: i am more proud of this cake than I am my college degree / Dionysus is a local machine search engine for universal constants and parameters of scientific and engineering relevance

                               Similarities to an Ariadne in Athens, NY
                              Camp Half Blood
                              The cult of childhood
                              and its entourage
                              of Homeric hymns
                              How do you pronounce that Halloween costume, anyway?
                              Images imported to Virginia, India
                              Tell me a journey-to-the-underworld joke
                              Perseus was killed in his kitchen
                              kidnapped to Baltimore
                              Your leopard lineage
                              learned rituals
                              married to Naxos, its discography

He is the Breaker of Chains, who rescues not only the flesh but the heart / who died—was torn apart by Powers, Abilities / Dionysus possesses the conventional powers of the Olympian gods including superhuman strength (Class 30), vitality, longevity and resistance to injury / But while Demeter was the goddess of dry things growing, like grain, Dionysos was the god of wet / The only Olympian to have a mortal mother / In Homer he is not associated with the vine / Dionysus is basically an alcoholic / gave and revoked / he is the god of drunkenness, the god of insanity, the god of sexual frenzy and battle lust / Each winter Apollo left Delphi to live with the Hyperboreans, a mythical tribe / DIONYSUS IS SOOOO HOT / One of Dionysus' major characteristics is constantly to confuse the boundaries between illusion and reality / The dying of the god is basic to his nature / cut up and thrown into a cauldron by the Titans, and that he was restored and cured by Rhea / Only Dionysus, the God of Revelry, has the desire to win the humans back, seeing that they're miserable without the divine interference they once enjoyed

                               What is a good nickname for Nietzsche?
                              Native American, not being born of a mother
                              Offspring on a donkey
                              Other names for
                              resurrection, statue, significance
                              A theater of woodlands
                              vs Apollo
                              vs Jesus
                              vs Bacchus

O Cyclops, son of the sea-god, come see what kind of divine drink this is that Greece provides from its vines / Friedrich Nietzsche's long, murky riff on an Apollo-Dionysus polarity he copped from German romanticism / the most savage and emotional in the whole of Greek mythology / They describe drunkenness / a huge contrast, in origins and purposes / has lost his claim to metaphysical dominion / his luxuriant fertility / A god like Dionysus is attractive that is why he's so dangerous / Bloodshed or bliss? / For viewers of a certain age, ''Highway to Tomorrow'' is the latest assault by Elevator Repair Service on logic and plot in theater / Dionysus was made to travel to an oracle at Dodona to receive instructions as to the next step in his journey, but on his way there he came to a lake, so deep / He is spatially associated with both Athens and Thebes / theophoric / the noisy or riotous god, frenzies Dionysus developed a personality to suit his ritual / a masterful blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc

                               Patron shame
                              as a chardonnay
                              xenoblade sex fanfic
                              This Orphic sect
                              jerko disguised and in charge of
                              an elder in an Astoria band
                              Gucci, holiday, nymphs, necklace
                              He occupied other names, other words:
                              ukulele, transgender
                              thighs, curses

Dionysus, Commission yourself a RIDICULOUS portrait / Original painting by Caravaggio / 1. Upload a clear photo of your face / 2. Want something cool added? Why not a pet or a guitar? / 3. Final comments and explanations for the artist / $140 / Apollo (called Apollo by Romans also, often called the Far-darter or far-shooter, from his use of arrows as weapons / Pronounced dye-uh-nye-suhs / "Twice born" or "child of the double door” / Wine-making, merriment, and all around awesomeness / If he were around today, he'd be the life of the party

[Telesphorus]: a nearly dead god

An anchorite / is (are) doubtful / He was born in Terranuova, a little town on the tip of Italy's boot / The interesting element of the God is that still today there is a debate of His origin / Seldom mentioned as a divinity of Pergamus / St. Telesphorus Window Carmelite Monastery Boxmeer, The Netherlands. Full Window The Greek hermit / Telesphorus, too, is a pais / Asclepius often appears in dreams with a whole thiasos of paides (band or group of boys) accompanied his sister, Hygieia / He was a dwarf often credited with instituting the tradition of a sevenweek Lent / a third class feast or higher / He was worshipped as a god who accompanies Asklepios, the Greco-Roman god of medicine and healing, and he may be his son / There is a sculpture of him in Jung's garden in Küsnacht / a symbol of success attendant on the exercise of the healing art, and allusive to that state / a Shadowlander in the RIFT Forums / For his 75th birthday, Jung carved the figure of Telesphorus on a cubic stone / always represented as a hooded male child with no arms or legs visible / TELESPHORUS is the most popular name in USA

                               The net worth
                              of paper repositories
                              of marrieds
                              of popes, gods, bishops of Rome
                              It’s a Carl Jung Christmas
                              occurs in the temple
                              of the mouth

A bronze statuette of Telesphorus dressed in a long hooded cape covering everything apart face, hands slightly stretched / He was depicted on ancient coins / The text is a prophetic and apocalyptic work showing the influence of the teachings Joachim of Fiore on Telesphorus of Cosenza, the author / The primitive often credited with introducing the custom of celebrating Christmas with songs / His feastday is January 5th / Near the Sidon temple a gold sheet has been discovered showing three figures: Eshmun, Hygieia and Telesphorus / Eshmun wears a diadem in an illustrated manuscript on vellum [northern Italy, c.1390] / Telesphorus was tortured and killed for witty criticism of King Lysimachus’s wife Arsinoe / At a party, Arsinoe was forcing herself to vomit so that she could drink more

                               To Telesphorus:

                              You have been warned
                              I will not tolerate such disruptions again
                              Regardless of how much you feel
                              you've been wronged
                              or what apologies you think you're owed
                              Take them up personally via e-mail or something
                              Leave us out of it

Telesphorus made fun of Arsinoe nude to waist, standing front, head left, holding serpent-wreathed wand in right hand; to left, Telesphorus; on ground, right, globe / In De Ira Seneca, describes the horrible disfigurement and imprisonment of a man named Telesphorus by a tyrant / The Thracian boy-god / The central figure is Homunculus-Mercurius-Telesphorus, wearing a hooded cape and carrying a lantern / He is surrounded by a quaternary Mandala / He’s an image in need of restoration / Saint Cyril, Telesphorus and Hilarius, Carmelite Saints, The Church Stella Maris, Haifa, Israel - Stock Photo from the largest library of royalty-free images / Being small of stature, garbed in his mantle and pointed hood / Temple to Telesphorus: (left) underground access; (centre) circular gallery inside the temple; (right) a pillar with a bath tub surrounded by a Greek inscription / I am un-banning S2S and Wallflower as planned

Anne Gorrick is a writer and visual artist.

She is the author of eight books of poetry including most recently: Beauty, Money, Luck, etc. for Beginners (Spuyten Duyvil Press, 2019), An Absence So Great and Spontaneous it is Evidence of Light (the Operating System, 2018); and The Olfactions: Poems on Perfume (BlazeVOX Books, 2017). She collaborated with artist Cynthia Winika to produce a limited edition artists’ book, “Swans, the ice,” she said, funded by the Women’s Studio Workshop in Rosendale, NY and the New York Foundation for the Arts. She also co-edited (with poet Sam Truitt) In|Filtration: An Anthology of Innovative Writing from the Hudson River Valley (Station Hill Press, 2016).

With poet Melanie Klein, she curated the reading series Process to Text from 2015 - 2018, which focused on innovative writing from in and around New York’s Hudson Valley. She previously curated the reading series Cadmium Text from 2006 - 2014 at R&F Handmade Paints in Kingston, NY.

She also co-curated the electronic poetry journal Peep/Show with poet Lynn Behrendt (, which is a “taxonomic exercise in textual and visual seriality.”

From 2005 - 2019, she served on the Board of Trustees at Century House Historical Society, home of the Widow Jane Mine. CHHS is an all-volunteer organization (www.century devoted to the historic preservation and investigation through the arts of the now defunct cement industry in Rosendale, NY.

Anne Gorrick lives in West Park, New York.
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